

The toolbars available at the top-right of many Moveware screens contain a variety of helpful and common functions that you will use regularly in your day-to-day operations.

Here is an example of what one toolbar on a Moveware screen looks like:

Some Common Tools

image-20240815-162823.png The folder icon will open the file folder on your computer or server which can be used to store files such as pdf’s, images, etc.  Each Job, Employee, Customer, etc. can have its own file folder.  Click on a record such as a Job, then click this icon to view the file folder for this Job. This locations can also have sub folders by default.

image-20240815-162844.png If your company uses Moveware’s SMS feature, clicking this icon will open the “Send SMS” screen for whichever Employee, Customer, etc. is currently selected on the screen.

image-20240815-162903.png The Quick Print dropdown allows you to print documents or reports that are relevant to the screen you are viewing.  Select the document from the dropdown and a Print Options popup will display.  If the document is already displaying on the Quick Print dropdown, use the email, pdf, preview or print icons  to quickly perform each function.  For more detail, see Using Quick Print.

image-20240815-162926.png The Event Log icon will load the Event Log for whichever Record you are viewing.  The Event Log icon is located throughout Moveware.  For instance, each Job has an Event Log icon next to the Quick Print dropdown which displays every change that has occurred on the Job.  Additionally, several tabs within the Jobs module have an Event Log specific to that screen.   For instance, the Diary tab and the Invoicing tab each have their own event log icon, to view everything that has happened in the diary or invoice.  For more detail regarding the Event Log, see Viewing the Event Log.

The top-left of several screen displays key information about the record you are viewing.  In the Customer Management screen, we can see the Customer Code, Customer Name, and balance.  On the Jobs screen, we can see the Job number, Customer name, Cost Centre, Job Status, Weight/Volume, and Invoiced Y/N.  This information displays regardless of which tab you are viewing for that record.

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