Mobi Release Notes 3.7

Mobi Release Notes 3.7

Mobi Release Notes September 2022

App Store Release date: September 12th , 2022 (Please note date is not fixed, once release to app stores, there is an approval process which could take up to a week)

Issue Key



Issue Key



NEW SETTING: Show diary action comments against diary action

Added a new report parameter to show diary action comments against the diary action.

To add this parameter, navigate to codes management and add the following:
Type:”MobiReportFilter”, Code value: “showDiaryComments”, Description: “Show Diary Comments”, Comments “Yes,No”, Extra “combo”, Sort:”85″

NEW SETTING: Show Crew notes on Reports

Added a new report parameter to show crew notes on reports.

To add this parameter, navigate to codes management and add the following:
Type: “MobiReportFilter”, Code value: “showCrewNotes”, Description: “Show Crew Notes”, Comments: “Yes,No”, Extra: “Combo”, Sort: “85”

NEW SETTING: Single Check per Item

A new setting has been added for situations where users need to ensure items are only checked off once rather than at multiple phases. For example when splitting items into multiple lift vans.

To Add this setting:
Code value: "MultipleCheckMode"
Description: "Single Check per Item"
Answers: "Yes,No"
Default: "No"
Parent: "CheckOff"
Control Type: "Toggle"
Comments: "When set to Yes, each item can only be checked off into a single check- this is predominantly used for loading items into liftvans.
When set to No, each item can be checked off under every individual check"

IMPROVEMENT: Extra details displaying in Job Details Section

The Job Details section will now show the PO# and File number if data exists for the job in Moveware.

No change in usage required.

IMPROVEMENT- Added the ability to enable text in the Est Move Date field

Previously the Est Move Date field would only allow dates and no free text. This has now been changed so it's flexible in Mobi based on Moveware system parameter sysparam-spare7[20].

If Moveware system Parameter "sysparam-spare7[20]" is set to Y=Date, then Mobi will just allow data in date format. If system parameter is set to N= text, then Mobi will alta in text format. No change in usage.

IMPROVEMENT: Report for Regression testing

Created a master test report with all sections used by clients for regression testing

No change in usage required.

IMPROVEMENT: Added "Office" type materials to the "Add Materials" list.

Users can now add office type materials through Mobi

No change in usage required

IMPROVEMENT: Added counter to Asset management Product add screen

Added a counter so the user can see the count of products that have been added on the asset management add product screen

No change in usage required.

IMPROVEMENT: Delete Button access

Previously, to delete an item, the user had to select Edit>Delete. We've now added the delete button to the item button bar to allow quicker access.

No change in usage required.

IMPROVEMENT: Asset Management Continuous scanning on Check off Screen

Previously the user would have to select the barcode icon for every barcode being scanned on the Asset management Check Off Screen. This has now been changed to allow for continuous scanning.

No change in usage required.

IMPROVEMENT: Added Branch and Cost Centre Security for the Mobi "Add Job" functionality.

Previously users were able to add jobs for any branch or cost centre through the Mobi "Add Jobs" function. This has now been updated so the user can only add jobs for Branches and Cost centers they have permissions for in Moveware.

No change in usage required.

FIX: Multiple vehicle Checklists per diary action

Previously, some users may have faced an issue where a review screen with flags "isJob", "isVehicle", and "diary" all set to true may cause the screen to freeze. This has now been fixed.

No change in usage required.

FIX: Issue with Materials Return Value syncing to wrong field

Previously some users could have faced an issue where the Materials return value synced to the incorrect Moveware field. This has now been fixed.

No change in usage required.

FIX: Unable to sync report files with too many images

Previously a specific user had an issue with a custom report that prevented files from syncing when there were too many high quality images on the report. This has now been fixed.

No change in usage required.

FIX: Report Email Pop up

Previously some reports would trigger the Report pop up to appear when user has navigated away from reports/Mobi and reopens app

No change in usage required.

FIX: Object Reports include last viewed report

Previoulsy some fine art users may have experienced an issue where Object reports showed information from previous reports.

No change in usage required.

FIX: Inventory item volume on Add scree

Previously, some users may see that the Quantity and Volume on the Add Inventory screen are not being updated when a new inventory item (from the Add Inventory screen) is added

No change in usage required.

FIX: Validation Failed Popup

Previously, when the details of an actual inventory item are updated and the user selects Save, a popup is displayed with the message "Number 0 is already being used". This is regardless of what "Auto Numbering" setting was set to. This has now been fixed.

No change in usage required.

FIX: Report Preview

Previously after viewing a large number of reports consecutively , the Report Preview screen no longer displays the report

No change in usage required.

FIX: Erroneous scan section for fine art

Previously Fine Art users may have noticed an issue where the erroneous scan section did not refresh correctly. This has been updated.

No change in usage required.

FIX: Language Code refresh

Previoulsy a code refresh would not trigger all updated language codes to refresh. This has now been added.

No change in usage required.

FIX: Duplicated Pictures displaying on review questions

Previously there was a chance that some review questions would temporarily display duplicated images on the preview screen. This has now been fixed.

No change in usage required.

FIX: Navigation arrows present on print screen where they should not have been

Previously the navigation arrows would sometimes appear on the Print screen incorrectly. This has now been fixed.

No change in usage required.

FIX- Whitespace on user login

Previously some users may have experienced issues with Menus not filtering out when the user credentials were entered with a blank space behind the username on the login screen. This has now been fixed.

No change in usage required.

FIX- Signatures causing review data to not display

Previously some users may have noticed a bug where specific signature fields would cause the review data to temporarily disappear. This has now been fixed.

No change in usage required.

FIX- Issue with non numeric barcodes in Asset management Module

Previously the Asset Management Module would give an error message when scanning Alphanumeric barcodes. This has now been fixed up.

No change in usage required.

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