Mobi Release Notes 3.6
Mobi Release Notes July 2022
App Store Release date: July 11th , 2022 (Please note date is not fixed, once release to app stores, there is an approval process which could take up to a week)
Issue Key | Summary | Description |
NEW SETTING- Report Inventory details | There has been a change in the way inventory details are displayed in Inventory Reports (or reports containing inventory section). The item information will now be controlled by the flag "extraInventoryFields". This will allow users/admins to configure which extra inventory detail fields they would like to display on reports. | In Code Management add new code: In Mobi Setup, for any msReport that contains inventory, add the flag: Options: Room,Location,Packing,PackMethod,Packer,Contents,Special,Value,Weight(category),Weight(lbs),LotColor,LotNumber,SerialNo,DestCondition,OrgCondition |
NEW SETTING- Added a Materials Category Setting | There has been a change to the way Material categories are set in Mobi. Now, users/admins can set the categories of materials to view and use in Mobi. | New Setting: "MaterialsTypeList", |
IMPROVEMENT- Alignment fixes to Check-off report | There has been an update to the standard alignment of data for check off reports in Mobi. | No change in usage required. |
IMPROVEMENT- Event Logging | We've added extra event logging in Moveware to reflect what changes were made in Mobi. Previously we could often only see the updated value but not what it was changed from. The new event logging will show the original value and then the updated value so admins can easily tell what was updated by the user. | No change in usage required. |
IMPROVEMENT- Removed Line move buttons on costing screen | Previously the line item move buttons would allow a user to re-adjust display order of items in Mobi. This would cause conflicts with Moveware costing items. Line item move buttons have been removed to keep Mobi and Moveware consistent. | No change in usage required. |
IMPROVED- Removed Fine art specific location field from Standard inventory screen | Previously users could see a location field of an inventory item under the item edit button even though this field was specific to fine art objects. This field has been set to only display for objects. | No change in usage required. |
IMPROVED- Added the ability to modify estimated Move date on Job level | Previously users could only modify move date information related to diary actions. This can now also be set on an overall job level. | No change in usage required. |
IMPROVED- Report- Hide Object Last Used section | A new report parameter has been added to allow for the configuration of showing/hiding an objects Last Used section. | This can be enabled by adding the following parameter to the report: |
IMPROVED- Report Image display | Set up images to display in a 2 column grid. | No change in settings required. |
IMPROVED- Report Text Display | Previously text would display in blue and black based on review questions/comments. A new report parameter has been added to allow for the configuration to print all text in black. | This can be enabled by adding the following parameter to the report: |
IMPROVED- Report signatures display | Previously having two signatures in the same section would display them one underneath the other, often pushing the report to extend to another page. This has now been fixed so both signatures display on the same line. | No change in usage required. |
FIX- Visibility of Header and footer in reports | Previously some users may have faced an issue where the header and footer for a report may not get set (visible/hidden) correctly as per chosen option. This has now been fixed. | No change in usage required |
FIX- Stability Fixes to Reports | Previously some IOS users may have faced issues where report files were not being generated and PDF/Email Button would freeze. This has now been fixed. | No change in usage required |
FIX- Radio Control Buttons on Reviews | Previously some IOS users may have faces issues with Radio buttons not displaying properly. This has now been fixed. | No change in usage required |
FIX- Job setup of Asset Management Jobs | In Moveware, the asset management settings are controlled by a parent code: sysparam-spare9[20]. Setting this parameter to N in Moveware means Cost centres cannot be changed and having it set to C means cost centres can be adjusted for Asset Management. Previously there was potential for inconsistencies when cost centres were set to Asset Management but the parent system parameter was set to No. A fix has now been put in place so that if the parent system parameter=N, then Mobi will also not adjust the inventory screen layout. | No change in usage required. |
FIX- Issue with Crate packing | Previously some users may have found an issue where the "crate" packing material would disappear from packing materials after dimensions were edited and pack method was updated. This has been fixed to work regardless of unit of measure being used. | No change in usage required. |
FIX- Use new Diary address on reports | Moveware has a system parameter called "UseNewDiaryAddress". When set to Yes, the diary address has a different format. Previously users with this setting found that reports would not always display the correct job/diary information. A change has been made in Mobi for users using this setting so Mobi will display details as follows: If the phone number from Diary is not populated, display the phone number from the Job Details tab. If the email from Diary is not populated, display the email from the Job Details tab. If the address from Diary is not populated, display the address from the Job Details tab. | No change in usage required. |