Mobi Release notes 3.27

Mobi Release notes 3.27

Issue key

Custom field (Description of Functionality)

Custom field (Description of Usage)


FIX: The setting "Show Contents" allows the user to automatically select the contents of a carton when the carton was added. However when copying  the carton, the contents dialogue would appear but it would not apply to the copied items. This has been fixed up. 

No change in usage


New Setting:
Setting: Default Furniture Pack Method
Actual: Pack Method in Mobi will default for Actual items.
Estimate: Pack Method in Mobi will default for Estimate items
Both: Pack Type in Mobi will default for Actuals and Estimates.
None: Default setting. Neither will default. 

With this setting on, the pack method will be defaulted based on the item. Crews would then need to manually update any variations as needed. 


New Feature:
Added Status' to file syncs

No change in usage required. 


Added a new parameter to the setting "Summary Hide List".
“Est Hours" can now be hidden from the task section of the Diary Summary. 

No change in usage required. 


FIX- On the Materials required screen, new materials could sometimes show -1. This has been corrected. 

No change in usage required. 


Update- Internal change to the AppInsigts logging

No change in usage required. 


FIX- when switching between Asset Management and HHG jobs, the furniture edit form sometimes would not immediately update. This has been fixed. 

No change in usage required


FIX- Under certain sync conditions, the check type would not get set properly on the Moveware inventory screen. This has now been fixed. 

No change in usgae required.


Update: Email function on reports in Mobi has been sped up. 

No change in usage required. 


Update: Added the ability to change font sizing of local reports through CSS formatting. 

No change in usgae required.


New Setting: Enforce Moveware Sort in Furniture List

Code Type: Setting
Code Value: MovewareSort
Code Description: Enforce Moveware Sort in Furniture List
Answers: No,Yes
Default Answer: No
Parent: Inventory
Control type: combo

When set to No: Works as it does currently. Inventory table is sorted alphabetically.
When set to Yes:  Items with a sort order value are displayed at the top of the lookup. Everything without a sort order value is displayed alphabetically. 

No change in usage. 


Update: Previously the distance field would display as 0 in Mobi when no data was entered. We've updated this so that the field is hidden when no distance is entered. 

No change in usage. 


Update: Background improvement to scrolling functionality to make it smoother. 

No change in usage. 


Update: Added  Missing, Not Delivered, Not Collected status to HHG Inventory items, 

No change in usage. 


Fix: Previously the "Week" filter button would not highlight to indicate it had been selected. This has now been fixed up. 

No change in usage. 


Enhancement - Flag Red color on Mobi Users screen to determine that user has custom setting set in employee screen

No change in usage. 


Fix: Previously users were allowed to set negative values for inventory quantities. This has now been fixed up so the quantity will always be greater than 0.  

No change in usage. 


Update: Previously signing a report would take the user back to the top of the report which could be a pain if multiple signatures are needed. The screen will now stay where the user signed. 

No change in usage. 


Update: Added an "Origin" and "Destination" Toggle to the condition screen for furniture items. This allows the user to set the condition at origin and destination using the condition quick menu button. Previously that button would just link to the origin and users had to select the Edit>Dest Condition to add destination conditions. 

Users can now set destination conditions directly from the condition quick menu button. 


Fix- The split functionality was only creating a single item instead of splitting that item into X number of parts. This was as a result of some sync changes to sync only data that was updated. This functionality has now been restored. 

No change in usage. 


Fix- In some cases the "pack" and "unpack" buttons on the warehouse search screen did not work. These have been fixed up. 

No change in usage required. 


Updated the "Locate" button inside the Object details to run the same background procedure as the locate function on the search and locate screens. 

Code change only- no change in usage


Updated the default inventory grouping to group by room. This can be adjusted through the "Sort & Group" button if needed. 

No change in usage


Update: Made changes to the report parameter: "printSignaturesOnEveryPage" so that it has nicer formatting and no longer displays two sets of dates in each footer. 

No change in usage. 


Setting simplification: Previously we had two settings which controlled the same thing:

InvAddClearPackAndPackMethod: Clear Pack method and Packer for every item added.
No = Current behaviour (fields inherit same values previously added and saved)
Yes = All items added have these two fields blank

SavePackMethod: Retain Pack Method for Each Item when adding inventory items

We have now removed the “SavePackMethod” and the “InvAddClearPackAndPackMethod” setting will be the only one that will control whether packer and pack method are retained or cleared.

No change in usage. 


Update: Added a warning message to the login screen to alert users of device and server date mismatches that lead to licence invalidation so users can correct their device time and date. 

No change in usage required. 


Update: Previously miscellaneous tasks (i.e. not related to a job) could be synced to Mobi but the name would show "undefined". This has now been fixed to display the name. 

No change in usage required. 


Fix: Previously when capturing signatures, some devices may have been seeing the signature canvas move slightly as the signature was being captured. The sizing has now been adjusted so that the signature box will remain fixed regardless of device screen size. 

No change in usage required. 


Update: Removed hardcoding from reviews that would auto-complete diary actions. Diary actions can now only be completed by the user.

No change in usage required. 


Text with special formatting copy/pasted into the notes section in Moveware from Outlook was not being wrapped properly so it was being cut-off. This new setting strips out any special HTML code so the text displays properly.

Code: StripMSHTML
Description: Remove Microsoft Formatted HTML
Answers: Yes,No
Default Answer: Yes
Parent: Job
Control Type: Combo
Comments: Removes HTML generated from Outlook and displayed in the notes, etc.

No change in usage. 


Fix: Previously the car diagram review type was not working properly. This has now been fixed. 

No change in usage. 

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