MoveTransfer Waybills Status
The Search tab of the Waybills module contains records with colour coded fields. This allows for quick viewing of the status of each MoveTransfer related Waybill. The Number field is colour coded as per the MoveConnect window to denote whether the Waybill has been sent or received via MoveTransfer, along with the MoveTransfer Status.
The background colour of the Process field is green for sent Waybills and blue for received Waybills. Additionally, the foreground text is purple for pending, red for failed, grey for cancelled and green for sent, successful and received Waybills.
Records in the Search tab can also be filtered to show only sent or received Waybills by changing the value of the Show MT combo box located at the bottom right of the search tab to Sent or Received.
Records in the MoveConnect window can be filtered to view all Waybills that are waiting to be exported by selecting Send in the Process field and Pending in the Status field.