Accept Online Credit Card Payment in MoveClient
The client is given a link to the payment portal in one of many ways:
From an email sent to the client from Moveware
From a PDF of a Moveware document with the link embedded into the document.
By logging into MoveClient and navigating to the Accounts page.
Once the client has opened the link to navigate to the client portal, they are presented with an introductory page describing the facility, the types of payments accepted and the Payment terms
The client proceeds to a Payment page where they are presented with the payment types.
The client enters the payment information as required.
The combination of reference number and invoice number are the key identifiers in the portal. The reference number is one of the following, depending on the type of invoice to be paid:
Job Number – For Job Invoices
Customer Code – For manual invoices
Storage ID – For storage invoices
Note: In some situations, if a valid Reference Number and Invoice Number are entered, the Payment Details and outstanding invoice amount at the top of the page will automatically populate with data from the Moveware record.
The client selects the payment type and any additional fees are calculated. The outstanding invoice Amount, additional fees and total amount to be paid are displayed at the top right of the page.
The client completes the payment details below the payment type for Name, Card Number, Card CVV and Card Expiry. Note: The Card Details at the bottom of the page appear once a payment method is selected.
The client clicks the Submit button to process the payment.
Note: If any required details have not been completed, an error message will be displayed informing the client of the missing or invalid entries. Once the client corrects the relevant details and clicks submit, the payment will be processed.
Once the payment has been processed, the client is presented with a Receipt Summary page confirming the payment has been made successfully. The page displays the Receipt Number, amount paid, reference number.
Note: the Receipt number is a number generated by the Payment Portal, not the Moveware receipt number.
A receipt is generated in Moveware and applied to the invoice that was paid via the portal. The receipt has the Payment Portal receipt number in the description and details fields. The receipt is posted to the relevant Undeposited Funds clearing account as configured in Moveware. In cases where there is an amount that cannot be applied to an invoice due to overpayment, the receipt will be created but will remain unapplied or “On Account” until it is manually applied to the relevant invoice.
An email with the receipt details is automatically sent to the email address entered or displayed in the payment details screen.