Web Portal – Move Manager Guide
MoveClient and MovePartner both provide online access to quotes, Jobs, relevant links and general move information. MovePartner also provides access to account information and tracking of corporate Jobs.
Once a client fills in a web form on your website, their details are submitted and their login details are created for MoveClient. The quote details are automatically entered into Moveware as a new Job, which is processed as normal to produce cost options that are published online as quotes.
Clients can accept or decline quotes from the MoveClient web interface. Accepted quotes are processed as normal removals in Moveware, and can be viewed by clients online as the job progresses.
The Diary tab of the Jobs module and MoveConnect window display diary actions for Jobs being managed online, and allow you to send and receive web messages to your clients. Client feedback questionnaires may also be configured and reviewed in the Review tabs of the Jobs module and MoveConnect window.
MovePartner access may be set up in Moveware for key employees of your corporate clients. Once they are logged in to the MovePartner web interface they may add new corporate removals, which are processed as normal in the Costing tab of the Jobs module. In addition to the quote, correspondence and general information features of MoveClient, users of MovePartner may also view details of billing accounts, invoices and non-move related correspondence.
Details of corporate Jobs may be viewed and edited from the MoveConnect window in Moveware. New quote requests and web messages are received in this window and are displayed until marked as completed. Feedback from users about Jobs is also set up and reviewed in the MoveConnect window.
MoveClient and MovePartner Setup
Setup of some system features of Moveware is required to maximise the use of MoveClient and MovePartner. This is easily completed by your Moveware Administrator or by standard Moveware users. See Setting up MoveClient and MovePartner.
Main Features: