Moveware User Initiated Payments
Pay Online Button
The Pay Online button allows you to receive payments over the phone or in-person using the customer’s card. This is particularly useful for receipting deposits and one-off payments. The button can be accessed in Moveware through various screens.
Removals – details tab – If a job has been added to the database but not yet invoiced, you can still receipt payment on the job using the Pay Online (green dollar sign) icon in the Removals/Jobs – Details screen. This is very convenient for receipting deposits for jobs. Clicking on the Pay Online icon brings up the ‘Make Online Payment’ prompt.
Invoicing screen – Outstanding amount – If an invoice has been created with an invoice number assigned, you can also find the Pay Online button against the invoice in the Customers – Invoicing screen or Jobs – Invoicing screen. Here, the Moveware user can click on the ‘Pay Online’ button below the outstanding amount to bring up the ‘Make Online Payment’ prompt.
Processing Payment
Clicking ‘Yes’ to the ‘Make Online Payment’ prompt will take the Moveware user to the Moveware payment portal where they can complete the steps below.
a. The user can review the customer and job (or invoice) details before populating the payment amount and clicking the Pay Now button.
b. After clicking ‘Pay Now’, the user will be directed to a secure Stripe payment page where they can enter the Customer’s card details.
c. If card details are correct and payment is successful, it will appear in Moveware against the Customer and job (or invoice). If the payment was receipted against a job, it will remain unapplied until it is manually applied to an invoice. The Customer will also be sent a receipt to the email provided in the previous step.
d. If the payment is unsuccessful, an error message will be displayed for the user to try again or get the Customer to contact their bank/financial institution.