MobiSurvey Inventory Screen
The Inventory menu in MobiSurvey allows you to easily create an estimated inventory list and offers a variety of ways to organize and provide additional details about each inventory item.
In this section we will review the following:
How to add estimated inventory to a move
How to add/search for inventory items
How to edit inventory items and quantity
How to run an estimated inventory or survey summary
Custom inventory overview
Watch the video below for a quick overview of how Mobi Inventory works!
How to Add Inventory to a Move
Select the Inventory screen
The process of adding Estimated Inventory to a Job is slightly different depending on the size of the device. If using a large device such as a tablet, the pick list of items to choose from is on the right side of the screen (see the video above). When you tap on an item on the right side of the screen, the item is added to the list in the center of the screen, which is your estimated inventory list.
The remainder of this article will show screenshots of the process using a small device. If on a small device such as a mobile phone, press the “Add” button in the top left of the Inventory screen.Before doing this, double check the inventory is EST (Estimated).
The ‘Add’ icon allows you to select:
A Destination type for this list of items (e.g. All, Airfreight, Local, Not Going etc.)
A Room type for this list of items (e.g. All, Bedroom, Kitchen, Office etc.)
If more than one of the same rooms exists, use the text box highlighted (3) below to assign a unique name to each (e.g. this might be ‘Bedroom Master’, when you prepare the next list you can name this ‘Bedroom 2’.
Select a Room type for this list of items (e.g. All, Bedroom, Kitchen, Office etc). If more than one of the same rooms exists, use the text box highlighted (3) above to assign a unique name to each (e.g. this might be ‘Bedroom Master’, when you prepare the next list you can name this ‘Bedroom 2’).
How to Add Inventory Items
You can now begin selecting all estimated inventory items for that specific Destination/ Room (displayed in top left of the screen), using the listed inventory below.
Tap the inventory item once to add, the quantity selected then displays to the left of the item. (e.g. a quantity of 1 for the below bed frame)
This filters the list of inventory items to choose from to be specific to the type of room. This will default to the room selected earlier.
If you have an item not normally found in that room, select this box and set it to ‘All’, which will then display all items.
You can also set this filter to ‘Packing’, which will allow you to search through packing materials to include in the inventory.Search
Type in the item description in the search box to locate the item.Alphabet lookup
Rather than scrolling through the list, you can select the first letter it starts with to quickly scroll to the item.
If you cannot find an item, you can use inventory item ‘New Item’ and manually update the details (Description/ Volume).
How to Edit Inventory Item and Quantity
On selecting each inventory item, additional edit icons will be made available specific to that selected inventory item. Use these icons to
Assign a condition to an item (e.g. scratched)
Assign packing materials to that inventory item
Assign crating dimensions
Attach a photo of that inventory item
Update the quantity
Edit the volume
Split one item into many items. E.g., Bed = Bed slats, Bed frame & Headboard
Alternatively use the ‘Edit’ icon, where all the above can be edited
How to Set a new Destination and/or Room type
Once you have entered all inventory items specific to that Destination/ Room type and if there are more Destination/ Room types to record, you will need to repeat the process by selecting the Destination/Room type in the top left.
e.g. per below, Local/ Kitchen has now been selected:
How to view an inventory list summary and make any final tweaks.
i. Select the ‘Close’ icon in the top right. This will navigate you away from the inventory list specific to that one Destination/ Room type and it will navigate you to the inventory overall summary page.
ii. Select the Destination/ Room filter at the top and set this to All Destinations and All Rooms. The list for all Destinations and Rooms will then display below.
Survey Summary
Once the estimated inventory is finished, you have the option to run and show the client a copy on the app and to request them to sign if required. We have one of two standard versions that can be used
A. Estimated inventory – (Displays basic details and Estimated inventory list only)
B. Survey Summary – (Displays basic details, Estimated inventory list, goes through survey questions and displays the survey answers)
To run these documents, follow the below steps:
i. Select the ‘Print’ option in the job’s menu screen
ii. Select either ‘Inventory Listing (Estimated)’ or ‘Survey Summary’, ensure to review these documents prior to a survey to determine your preference
iii. Select filters on how you would like this to run. Select ‘Signatures’ if you would like the client/ surveyor or both to sign
iv. It will then display the survey summary as follows
Complete the client questions and request the client to sign if required.
v. Once completed, save as a PDF to sync into Moveware as an attachment or select Email, to email to the client.
Custom Inventory Listing Document
If your company has a specific inventory listing / packing list document that needs to be sent to the client rather than the Mobi Inventory Listing document, view the Print screen to see the other documents available for printing/e-mailing.
From here you can select the document you wish to e-mail, and follow the same steps outlined above.