MoveCrew Syncing
MoveCrew uses Web Syncing to sync jobs across to the device.
How to Sync Jobs Into MoveCrew
Select Sync, then Receive.
Use the date range fields, and the Crew field to select the criteria you need. If you have a specific Job to sync, then you can enter the number in this field and just select Receive. You can separate Jobs with a comma to import more than one. (When entering a Job number, the dates and Crew fields are ignored.)
The sync process runs across all Operational Diary Actions for the date range specified, with the selected Crew assigned as a labour resource.
Automatic Syncing
In the Settings screen (From the Tools menu) there are several settings that allow jobs to be synced via the cloud, directly to the device. These are:
Automatically check for Jobs (Removals) from Moveware (Set to Yes)
Check with server every… (Enter the number of minutes. The default is 15.)
With these two options set, and the internet active, MoveCrew will check with Moveware for any Jobs that have been changed and then prompt the user to sync to update their device. Changes that trigger a sync include:
Adding crew to a device
Removing crew to a device
Changing diary dates and times
Changing Job details
Any other action that directly alters the details of a removal
When a Job is synced back, the Operations Manager will be notified, so they can be sure the crew has received the Job.