STP Update Event

STP Update Event

If an employee’s year-to-date information you last reported to the ATO does not reflect the information in your payroll system, you should submit the updated information to the ATO either:

  • within 14 days of the need for a correction being identified via an update event

  • in the next regular pay event where the affected employee(s) have continuity of employment

If the ATO sends an error message to you relating to the employee data you have reported, the same ‘fix’ rules apply to correcting those errors as above.

To submit an update event

  1. If you need to correct a mistake after the pay date, you can either send ATO a new YTD totals update for the employee within 14 days of the last pay submission. Alternatively, you can adjust in the next pay and submit that as a new pay.

  1. To send an update for a particular employee, simply navigate to Employee Management, find the employee and go to the Pay’s tab and click the ‘Update YTD Totals on Single Touch Payroll’ button.

  1. You can make an update for the previous financial year to correct the YTD totals as long as you’re making the update within 14 days after the EOFY date. To do this, simply check the ‘Update Previous Financial Year (If Within 14 Days of EOFY)’ toggle when submitting an update.

  1. An update will create a blank pay for the employee with a Seq of -1 and will not appear in the Payroll Update screen.

  1. You will only see a maximum of 1 update per day per employee, if you need to make more than 1 update per day for the same employee, it will simply overwrite the previous update.

To submit a bulk update event

  1. Go to Employee Management Search screen and highlight the employees for whom you wish to submit STP updates. This can be done by either right-clicking these employees or using an appropriate filter and clicking the ‘Select All’ button (to ensure that you have the correct employees selected before making the update, remove all other filters except the one on the bottom left hand corner of the screen – it should be filtered on ‘Y’).

  1. Once you have confirmed that the selected employees are correct, simply click the update button (disc icon).

  1. Select the appropriate options when prompted with the confirmation dialog (ensure that you select the ‘Final Pay of the Financial Year’ if you are making a final declaration for the selected employees).

  1. The system should automatically validate those that have STP pays within the financial year (or previous year if ‘Update Previous Financial Year’ was selected); those that do not have any pays would be ignored even if they’ve been selected. If any of the employees fail validation, the whole process cannot be continued until the errors are fixed.

  1. Once all employees have passed validation, the STP update event will be sent for the employees that have had STP submissions for the nominated period, and those employees will receive an STP ID as per usual.

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