STP Phase 2 – Troubleshooting & FAQ

STP Phase 2 – Troubleshooting & FAQ



When trying to submit STP data to the ATO, we are receiving an error message:

Error: Employment Basis Code Not Entered
Solution: The Employment Basis field was added for STP Phase 2 and needs to be added to all employees who had a pay during the financial year. Go to Employees->Employee Management, click the details tab, and fill in the Employment Basis code for each employee who has an error.

Error: Tax Treatment Code is blank
Solution: Update your tax scales to bring through the new tax treatment codes required for STP Phase 2.

Error: Pay Date is Not Within Previous Financial Year
Solution: The pay that’s being posted must fall within your payroll system financial year. Note the date on the pay then navigate to Employees -> Payroll Admin -> System Management. Change the ‘Start of Pay Year’ and ‘End of Pay Year’ to cover the date of the pay for the respective company.


Once STP data has been submitted to the ATO, they sent us back an error message:

Error: Allowance Type Code must be one of the following values: AD, CD, LD, MD, RD, OD, KN, QN or TD
Solution: One of the allowance categories on this pay does not have the correct STP Phase 2 code. It is likely that an STP Phase 1 code is still being used. Please go to Payroll Categories, find the allowance category then double click in the code field. Select the applicable code from the list.


Error: Salary Sacrifice Type Code must be one of the following: S or O
Solution: The superannuation salary sacrifice category on this pay does not have the correct STP Phase 2 code. It is likely that an STP Phase 1 code is still being used. Please go to Payroll Categories, find the allowance category then double click in the code field. Select the applicable code from the list.



When submitting the final pay for the year, we are receiving an error message:

Error: ‘Termination Type Must Be Specified When Date Terminated Is Entered’
Solution: The Termination Type field was added for STP Phase 2 and needs to be added to all employees who were terminated during the current financial year. Go to Employees->Employee Management, click the details tab, and fill in the termination type for each employee who has an error.

Error: ‘Employment Basis Code Not Entered’
Solution: The Employment Basis field was added for STP Phase 2 and needs to be added to all employees who had a pay during the financial year. Go to Employees->Employee Management, click the details tab, and fill in the Employment Basis code for each employee who has an error.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can we continue to use STP Phase 1 after June 30th?

Moveware will continue to support STP Phase 1, however, the ATO deadline for switching to STP Phase 2 is the 30th of June, 2022. If you still need to submit under STP Phase 1 after this date, you should contact the ATO to request an extension.


We have started setting up STP Phase 2 but have not yet completed it. Can I process payroll?

Yes, you can process payroll but you will not be able to submit STP data to the ATO. When you post your pays, you will be prompted to submit data to the ATO. Click cancel. You may come back to the payroll update screen and submit the data to the ATO once you have completed setup.


We cannot see the new fields or codes described in your STP Phase 2 documentation. How do we fix this?

Please check that the Single Touch Payroll system parameter is set to U. If it is, please contact Moveware for assistance.


How do we determine the correct categorisation for our categories and employees?

If you need assistance in this area, please check with your accountant or refer to the published ATO documentation here. Unfortunately Moveware is unable to provide an interpretation of the ATO legislation and how it may apply to your setup.

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