STP Reporting
You can produce reports for the data you submit to the ATO. A report in a Comma-Separated Value (CSV) format of a Single Touch Payroll (STP) submission can be created automatically for audit trial purposes if required.
There are 2 types of reports:
A detailed version which breaks down each pay category included in the submission
A summary version which creates a line per submission with the relevant categories summarised in individual columns.
To control which type of reporting is required, the system parameter “Produce Reporting when Submitting STP” needs to be configured to suit. To set the system parameter, go to the Administration -> System Setup menu and select System Parameters (only available to users with security group Z). Then select the Codes tab and search for ‘Single Touch” in the description field. Once you find aforementioned system setting, change the Value field to the desired value from the available options below and click Save.
The possible options for this system parameter are:
Y: Summary Reporting Only (System Default)
D: Detailed Reporting
B: Both Summary & Detailed Reporting
N: No Reporting
Both types of reports are automatically saved in the STP folder (configured through payroll system management) on submission of a pay to the ATO.