STP Report Name Format
The format of the file name for a STP submission is:
Summary Filename: Submit_ConversationID_YYYYMMDD_Summary.CSV
Detailed Filename: Submit_PayID_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_Detailed.CSV
The format of the file name for a STP update is:
Summary Filename: Update_ConversationID_YYYYMMDD_Summary.CSV
Detailed Filename: Update_ PayID_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_Detailed.CSV
ConversationID = Unique ID generated by Moveware for each Submission File
YYYYMMDD = Date stamp (e.g. 20/06/2018 = 20180620)
PayID = Em ID of the Employee whose pay is being submitted
HHMMSS = Time stamp (e.g. 2:15pm = 141500)
Note: The summary report will contain one employee submission per line, all submissions with the same grouping parameters (i.e. Branch ABN, Pay Date & Previous Submission ID) will write to the same summary report. Whereas the detailed report will be one file per employee submission.