Payroll Categories
Moveware comes with many standard Payroll Categories that can be modified to suit the requirements of a company and each individual employee. Categories are dependent on the method Employees are paid.
For eg. The Employee could be a salaried person who qualifies for Sick Pay, Holiday Pay, Tax and Super. They may also have a Social Club deduction and or a Vehicle allowance as part of their pay. All of these payment types and deductions must be set up as categories.
Payroll Categories should be set up for frequently used categories. Once a category is added to an employee, the fields may be overwritten.
Updating a Payroll Category will update details for all Employees assigned to the category and the new changes will flow through directly to employee records. These include Category Type, Description, Pay Basis and Calculation Type.
Note: If changes are made to other fields, such as rates, you will be prompted whether you want to update employees who have these categories already.
How to Set Up a New Payroll Category
Navigate to Employees > Payroll Admin > Payroll Categories in the main menu.
Click Add to create a blank category or Copy to use an existing category.
Select the category. If the category is set to Wages or Entitlements, select the Update Hours type.
Select the Calculation Type and set the applicable rate (regular or fixed).
If tax applies to the category, set the Tax Exempt field to N. Similarly, if super applies to the category, set the Super Applies field to Y.
If using integrated Timesheets, the Time Sheet default Job Action can be set for the category. The Sort field dictates the position of the category in the payslip or other Payroll reports.
Enter a meaningful category description.
The category may be assigned to a Cost Centre if applicable.
Enter an applicable General Ledger code (unless the Category is Entitlements).
10. Click Save.