Inventory Management – Vehicles
This category is used to define all of the vehicles that are used for jobs purposes within the company. Once the details are entered for each vehicle Operations are able to allocate them to jobs. If the rate and period are entered, Moveware can calculate the cost of the vehicle for a particular job.
The Vehicles section of Inventory Management is almost identical to that of Fleet Management. The only differences are
Inventory Management allows for the management of Vehicle Cost Types. Toggle the Cost Type at the top to Y to view/edit Cost Types set up in the system. The Cost Types are the categories that vehicles are grouped in on the Daily (Operations) Dairy.
Inventory Management has a Cost Rates and Charge Rates tab. This is useful for setting up vehicle rates for Job Costing. Having the rates tabs allows you to add specific cost rates and sell rates, as well as choose from a variety of rate options (for instance a Daily cost rate for a vehicle).
Cost and Charge Rates can also be set against an entire Cost Type (as opposed to an individual vehicle). For instance if I set all Cube Vans to have a Cost Rate, any Cube Van that I add to a Job will carry across that rate.