Review Past Supplier Activity
Reviewing Past Supplier Activity can be done using the Show Zeros toggle on the Inquiry tab of Supplier Management.
This will show all activities for the Supplier:
Toggling the Apply View will separate the list into invoices and all transactions applied to those invoices:
There are generally 3 kinds of transactions on this list:
Purchase Invoices/Credit Notes – will show up with a Description of the invoice and will be bolded. These invoices will be a CI source and will usually be a header of other transactions being applied to said invoice.
Payment – Description of “Payment: Description”. These will be transactions that have been directly applied to a Purchase Invoice through the Payments screen. Double clicking these fields will open the G/L Payment Details, where the payment can be un-applied from the invoice.
Apply – Description of “Apply: Description”. These transactions are created when an un-applied payment/invoice/credit note are applied to another invoice/credit note using the Apply tab. These transactions will appear in pairs on the list and cannot be un-applied the same way as a Payment. In the below example, payment 1031, a payment made on account, has been subsequently applied to purchase 400054, creating Apply transaction 1032:
How to Un-Apply Payments
To un-apply payment 1031 from purchase 400054 the Apply journal (1032) needs to be voided. This is done by selecting the Apply transaction and using the void journal button:
Voiding the Apply journal will return the Invoice and the Receipt back to outstanding.