Alternative Methods for Handling Discrepancies

Alternative Methods for Handling Discrepancies

General Journal Method

In some situations, adjustments may be required on a Job.  Rather than going into the invoice and reversing it, making the changes, and then reposting it, a General Journal correction can be made directly from the Van Line Clearing module. First, locate the line that requires editing. Right click on that line and select General Journal from the pop up. 

This will open a new General Journal window that includes the line you have selected and a reversing amount of that line. This screen allows for a high level of modification, allowing for adding of additional balances (credit card surcharge), or to reduce the balance to remove a discrepancy. In the below example, the value of one of the lines is being reduced to line up with the received amount.  

Modify the amount to match the discrepancy. In our example here, the original invoice amount was $339, but the van line paid $300. In the new General Journal window, modify the line from $339 to $39, which matches the discrepancy. Next, add the appropriate general ledger account to write off the discrepancy to. In this example, the Packing and Materials account will be used. 

Upon completion, hit the Create button. This will return Moveware to the Van Line Clearing module the new transaction will be included and allow for the job to be fully reconciled.  

Quick Payment Method

This method works in similar fashion to the General Journal method (5.1), but is less versatile. This allows for full balances to be reversed and is often used when the actual person being moved pays directly instead of paying the Van Line. This will usually result in the Van Line not paying for a portion of the invoice, since it has already been paid.  Begin by selecting the line to be reversed. Right click on that line and select Quick Payment from the pop up. 

This will open a Van Line Clearing (Quick Payment) window. Click on the Add button and add the product against which you want to issue the payment. Add the payment amount and hit Create. 

This will create a payment entry to the van line in the reconciliation screen and allow completion of the reconciliation. 

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