Add an Action to the Operations Diary

Add an Action to the Operations Diary

Diary actions that are not related to Jobs are easily added directly to the Operations/Daily Diary using the  button.

How to Add a Diary Action:

  1. From the Search screen in the Daily Diary, click the Add image-20240816-201129.png  button at the top of the screen.

  2. Select the Action on the left side of the popup window.  Enter the action details on the right side.

  3. Click Add. The new action is displayed in the Search tab.  Vehicles and Labour resources can now be allocated to the action.

Field Breakdown

Name: The name of the client, if applicable. Populates the Name column on the Daily Diary.
From: Address from. Populates the From column on the Daily Diary.

To: Address To. Populates the To column on the Daily Diary.

Comment: Populates the Comment column on the Daily Diary.

Branch: The branch at your organization that the work is being done for.

Web Access: If set to C, this diary action will be visible to the client on MoveClient.  If set to P, the action will be visible to the Corporate Client or Partner on MovePartner. If set to CP, it will display on both MoveClient and MovePartner.

Followup: Enter a date that you wish to follow up on.  This will create a Followup diary action.

Date: The date the work must be done.

On site: The time the crew must arrive at the site where the work is being done.

Est: The time that the crew must be at the warehouse or begin the job.  Populates the StartE column on the Daily Diary.

Act: The actual time that the crew member began the work.

Hours Est: The estimated number of hours the work will take.  Populates the HrsE column on the Daily Diary.

Hours Act: The actual number of hours the employee spent on the task.

Details: Additional Detail.  Populates the Notes for the Selected Action field.

Recurring Diary:  Creates a recurring diary action over the time period specified.  For instance, if Weekly is selected, and Monday is checked, an instance of the diary action will be created every Monday until the End Date.

Add Signature: Click the checkbox to add your default signature to the Details.

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