Allocate Labour

Allocate Labour

Labour resources are planned and assigned to Jobs and Actions in the Search tab of the Daily Diary. See Setting up Labour Rates and Using the Operations Timesheet for Payroll for instructions on processing pays for allocated Labour.

How to Allocate Labour:

  1. Navigate to Daily Diary in the main menu.

  2. Highlight (click) the action that you are assigning a resource to.

  3. Refer to the Labour list on the right side of the screen.  Double click the crew member you would like to add.  In this instance I will add Moveware Admin.

Moveware Admin (MWA) has now been allocated to this Action and displays in the Labour Allocated column:

The LA column (Labour Actual) has changed to 1.

Moveware Admin displays in green text on the right, indicating he/she is allocated to the highlighted Job:

Labour resources can be copied from one Job to another using the Copy and Paste icons at the top-middle of the screen: image-20240816-194931.png

When I click on Moveware Admin on the Labour list on the right, I can see all Actions this employee has been allocated to at the bottom of the screen:

Moveware allows for another step to take place, where an employee can be allocated to a Job/action, but is not considered “confirmed”.  In this case, upon initial allocation of the resource, the colour of the crew member will be light blue.

Once the employee is confirmed, double click on the name of the employee again, and the color will change to green.

Color Coding

Black – Available to be allocated
Red – Allocated to another action for the day
Light Blue – 1st Allocation – Usually done the day before to plan the next days activity
Dark Blue – 2nd Allocation – Usually done the day of the action when resources for the day have been confirmed
Green – 3rd Allocation – Usually done when the resources have left the WH

This feature can be activated by setting the System Parameter “Default Labour and Vehicles to Confirmed” to have a Value of N.  There are several other System Parameters that affect this screen.  

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