Sales Followup Diary
Pending Jobs and sales enquiries are processed in the Sales Followup window. Sales Representatives may use the window to view all Jobs they must follow-up by phone or email. The Search tab displays key information about pending Jobs such as the client name, addresses, phone number, estimated revenue, etc. The other tabs of the Sales Followup window mirror those of the Jobs module.
Step 1: Navigate to Sales > Sales Followup in the main menu.
Each follow-up date will appear red when they are within two weeks from uplift or next follow-up date.
Step 2: Enter Details in the Sales Follow Up Section at the bottom:
Status: Change the Status to Won or Lost.
Revenue: The estimated revenue to be earned if the Job is booked.
Est Move: The estimated move date.
Last Contact: The date of the last follow-up.
Next Follow-up: The date of the next follow-up. The toggle to the right allows you to specify a time. Adjust the next follow-up date and Save, and Moveware will complete the current follow-up diary action, and create a new one for the next follow-up.
Source: How did this client hear about you? Double click and choose from the listed options.
Comments: Additional Details regarding the above Source.
Mobile: Client’s mobile number.
Phone: Client’s phone number.
Competitors: The companies competing for this Job.
Notes: General notes regarding the client. This will become the “Internal Notes” on the Job Details.