Mobi Release Notes 3.2

Mobi Release Notes 3.2

Mobi Release Notes March 2022

App Store Release date: March 14 , 2022 (Please note, once release to app stores, there is an approval process which could take up to a week)

Issue Key



Issue Key



NEW SETTING: Added the ability to stop signature images syncing to job folder

This setting allows users to control whether the signature image file is synced back to Moveware. When set to No, reports and signature images are synced back to the Moveware Job folder. When set to Yes, the report will show the signature however the signature image file will not get synced separately.

Code type: Setting
Code code: StopSignatureSync
Code desc: Stop Signatures Syncing back to Moveware
Answers: Yes,No
Default: No,
Parent: user
Control Type: toggle
Sort: 100

NEW FEATURE: Asset Management Module

The first round of Asset Management Development has been released allowing users to view products and items and use barcoding to complete the inventory. Please note that some features are still under development.

Please contact your Moveware representative for configuration.

IMPROVED: Diary Summary Edit

Previously the setting "JobDiaryEditable" would only control the editing of the diary menu from the Job Diary Page. This functionality has been expanded to apply to the Diary Summary Page as well.

No change in settings or usage required.

IMPROVED: Job Summary Report

Previously, both phone number and email from the Job Details Tab would be displayed, even in cases where the address was set via the diary action. This has now been changed so when a diary action is selected and if diary details are not blank, then details from diary are displayed.

No change in settings or usage required.

IMPROVED: Report Logo

Previously reports not linked to a removal could not display a logo. This has been updated to show the logo from the user's branch.

No change in settings or usage required.

IMPROVED: Check Off UX change

Changed colour of unknown items in Check Off screen to orange. Previously, unknown items would show up as "Red" in colour, which was same as "missing items".

No change in settings or usage required.

IMPROVED: Save Locations of images linked with Vehicle Checklists

Previously, users did not have a way of stopping vehicle review files and signatures from getting saved into employee's folder.

This has ability now been added and is controlled using the sysparam 'SaveVehicleFilesToEmp', which works as follows:

Y - Vehicle reviews photos and signatures will be saved to the Employee folder and the Vehicle folder
N - Vehicle reviews photos and signatures will be saved to the Vehicle folder.

No change in settings or usage required.

FIX: Objects Screen Relocation Spinner

Previously, some users may have faced an issue where there would be a disconnect and/or delay in the display of a spinner when objects are relocated from the Job->Objects screen.

No change in settings or usage required.

FIX: Materials Screen Price Refresh

Some users may have experienced a refresh issue on the materials screen when there was an estimated quantity predicted but the actual quantity was 0. Previously the price would still show based on the estimated quantities rather than refreshing based on actual quantities.

No change in settings or usage required.

FIX: Multiple vehicle Reviews synced to the same review

Previously, some users may have faced errors in the Vehicle Reviews screen in Moveware where:

  1. Some reviews may have duplicated records

  2. Some reviews may have overlapped

  3. Some reviews may not show up

These errors have been fixed, and now all reviews with their specific set of records show up on the screen, based off the selected timeframe.

No change in settings or usage required.

FIX: Object containers duplicating in display

Previously, some Fine Art users may have faced an issue where search results were duplicated in the Warehouse -> Search screen.

No change in settings or usage required.

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