Moveware Version 8.0 Release Notes
Moveware Release Notes
Version 8.0
Upgrade Rollout: October/November 2016
Release Notes Generated: 10/03/16 ‑ 16/09/16
265015 Added a check for destination branch
Description of Functionality: In Destination Setup, added a validation for the branch field, to check that the branch exists and is active. In Diary Action Setup, if the Destination Branch is set up, then for uplift/delivery actions, it uses the Destination Branch, this should check the validity of the branch setup in Destination.
Description of Usage: From Destination Setup, if a branch is entered it will be validated. From creating a diary if the diary action is delivery/uplift etc. and it uses destination branch the validity of the branch is now checked.
Company/Region Affected: All
265177A Update the Database setup utilities command “Update Destination Types and Tax Codes”
Admin > Utilities > Database Setup > Update Destination Types and Tax Codes.
Check what changed in: Admin > Destinations
Description of Functionality: Add options to allow a user to activate Country with either Region and State or City only. This command will take an effect to Country codes in Destinations setup.
Description of Usage: Choices:” Region and State”, “City only”
“Region and State”
All codes that are 2, 3 or 4 characters and match the country of the spare are DOMESTIC and ACTIVE and have the entered tax code.
All codes that are 5 characters and match the country of the sysparam are DOMESTIC and INACTIVE and have the entered tax code.
All codes that are 2 or 5 characters and DO NOT match the country of the sysparam are OVERSEAS and ACTIVE and have tax code NT.
All codes that are 3 or 4 characters and DO NOT match the country of the sysparam are OVERSEAS and INACTIVE and have tax code NT.
“City Only”
All codes that are 2 or 5 characters and match the country of the sysparam are DOMESTIC and ACTIVE and have the entered tax code.
All codes that are 3 or 4 characters and match the country of the sysparam are DOMESTIC and INACTIVE and have the entered tax code.
All codes that are 2 or 5 characters and DO NOT match the country of the sysparam are OVERSEAS and ACTIVE and have tax code NT.
All codes that are 3 or 4 characters and DO NOT match the country of the sysparam are OVERSEAS and INACTIVE and have tax code NT.
Company/Region Affected: All
266695 Popup Calendar ‑ Display Multiple Months
Description of Functionality: A change has been made to the popup calendar that is available throughout Moveware. It has been increased to display 4 months as one time. Previously only 1 month was displayed.
Description of Usage: Where the calendar popup appeared previously Moveware now displays the expanded calendar display. 4 months will display and users are able to change the month or year using the drop down boxes available on each month displayed. There are also navigation buttons to scroll to the next or previous set of 4 months.
Company/Region Affected: All
267141 New Moveware Icons and Logos
Description of Functionality: New updated Moveware Icons and Logos with a fresher look for the new release.
Company/Region Affected: All
252426 Added WebAPI to access UVL jobs in xml format
Description of Functionality: Added a new webapi to be able to fetch the UVL related jobs in a specified xml format (provided on this request). The users will be able to get the xml data of a job by providing either the removal number or the removal order number.
Please note that this functionality depends on a pair of system parameters specifying the user and password for the access. A comma‑separated list of users can be specified in the value field of the system parameter ‘Set the user(s) to access Moveware webservice’.
Please note that the user list should be comma separated. Also, there should be another system parameter set for the password for that special user, which will have to be created by the Moveware admin, in the following naming convention‑ <username>Password, e.g. if the user is xyz then the parameter should be ‘xyzPassword’ with the value containing the password.
Description of Usage: Please verify that the system parameters as specified above have been created for at least one user to be able to access the api.
The following url syntax can be used for the api:{webid}/uvl/ordernum={order number}&username={user name} &password={password} where:
webid = the MovePortal ID as provided to the Moveware user
order number = the order number or job number of the uvl job for which the xml data is to be fetched
user name = the special user as specified in the system parameter ‘Set the user(s) to access Moveware webservice’
password = the password for the special user e.g. if username is xyz, then the value in the system parameter ‘xyzPassword’
On error the api produces the error within an <Error></Error> tag
Company/Region Affected: Armstrong
268345 Phone database references
Postcode lookups for Netherland and UK
Description of Functionality: Fixed Phone database references from V10 to V11.
Description of Usage: The user can test by setting the country code to ‘GB’ or ‘NL’ in system parameter screen and clicking in one of the postcode lookup.
Company/Region Affected: Region ‑ United Kingdom
266913 System Parameter Added: Remove Diary alerts for admin users
Description of Functionality: Removing display of diary alerts for admin users.
Description of Usage:
Code: StopDiaryAlertsforAdmins
Desc: Stop Diary Alerts for Admins
Choices: Y, N
Y ‑ diary alerts will only show for users that do not have security group Z
N‑ diary alerts will show for users that have security Z
Company/Region Affected: All
263070 Bug Fix: Fixed a bug with scroll bars on some browser screens
Description of Functionality: To replicate the issue-
Go to a browser screen such as invoice update/purchase update
Click on the down scroll button
Change a filter so only a handful of records show on screen and the scroll bar disappears
Clear the filter and the scroll bar reappears
Click the down scroll bar and it no longer works
This is now fixed
Description of Usage:
Click on the down scroll button
Change a filter so only a handful of records show on screen and the scroll bar disappears
Clear the filter and the scroll bar reappears
Click the down scroll bar and check it works
Company/Region Affected: All
263155 Bug Fix ‑ Wild card search functionality on Name filter
Debtors > Search
Creditors > Search
Agents > Search
Description of Functionality: Fixed wild card functionality on Name filter and cursor offset position.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by typing ‘ * ‘ (astriek) symbol followed with characters in Name filter which filters the matching records accordingly. Also, if a user types in a letter behind the existing text, it would not append in the front but display in the cursor position itself.
Example ‑ Previously, when user typed ‘S’ behind ‘A’, it displayed as ‘AS’ rather than ‘SA’ where letters appended in the front rather than behind.
Company/Region Affected: All
259509 System Parameter Added: Use Windows Explorer on Quick Print toolbar > File button
Description of Functionality: Added the ability to open the job folder in Windows Explorer rather than the Open dialog by
Code: UseWindowsExplorer
Desc: Use Windows Explorer to view Files
Choices: N = No, Y = Yes
Description of Usage:
‑ ‘Y’ to open the job folder in Windows Explorer
‑ ‘N’ to open the job folder in Open dialog
Company/Region Affected: All
264315 System Parameter Added: Make additional pickup field more visible
Description of Functionality: In removal details if there are multiple addresses then the user will be able to see this by means of a colour notifying the user that there is more than one address for that job.
A system parameter which will take an integer value as an input and which fetch the colour of the address field based on that input. if there is any other value of the system parameter like “n” or blank then it will not colour the required address field.
Description of Usage:
Code: HighlightMultipleAddressColour
Desc: Highlight Multiple Address Colour
Options 10, 11, 12, 14
10 is green
11 is blue
12 is red
14 is yellow.
Company/Region Affected: Armstrong
263296 Extending Removal Plan number width
Description of Functionality: Allows removal numbers of 8 characters to display the full number
Company/Region Affected: All
Agent Management
259970 Toggle to include inactive Agent groups
Description of Functionality: A toggle has been added include inactive Agent Groups. This can be found in the Groups tab of agent management module
Changed colour on agents that have status ‘C’, ‘H’, ‘X’ as grey.
Changed colour on groups that have status ‘Inactive’ as grey.
Description of Usage:
Search tab: change colour on agents that have status ‘C’, ‘H’, ‘X’ as grey.
Detail tab: Group Membership: change colour on groups that have status ‘Inactive’ as grey.
Group tab: Group List: change colour on groups that have status ‘Inactive’ as grey.
Company/Region Affected: All
260959 System Parameter Added: Agent code numbering when creating agent from a Debtor or Creditor
Description of Functionality: Previously when an Agent was created from Debtors or Creditors it would inherit the Code of the Debtor or the Creditor it was created from. With this new system parameter, the Agent will be assign an Agent Reference Number as set in Start Up Numbers.
Description of Usage:
Code: AgentSynchExcludeCode
Desc: Agent Synch Exclude Code
Options: Y, N
Y‑ use the code for setup for the agents (similar to assigning the code when manually adding an agent through Domestic and International Agents.)
N‑ Will continue to inherit the code of the debtor or creditor
Company/Region Affected: All
265323 Filters for Agent diary contact records
Description of Functionality: A change has been made to modify the existing agent contact and creditor contact screens to have filters. The filters have been added to both screens to provide ease of navigation and access for the user to be able to search any record as there are quite a few. This change allows the user to be able to filter based on all the columns in the contact tab in Agent and Creditor screen.
Description of Usage: The users will be able to search though the records as agent contact and creditor contact screens have filters above the columns.
Company/Region Affected: All
259848 System Parameter Added: Set a default status for Agent Lookup
Description of Functionality: System parameter added that determines the default status of an agent in the agent lookup.
Description of Usage:
Code: LookupAgentStatus
Desc: Set a default status for Agent Lookup
Choices: A, C, H, X
A‑ Agents with an Active status will default in the lookup
C ‑ Agents with a Closed status will default in the lookup
H‑ Agents with a Hold status will default in the lookup
X‑ Agent with a status will default in the lookup
If N or blank or any other character, the lookup will show all status
Agent look up is found in Removal Management, Waybill Management and Storage Management
Company/Region Affected: All
Email & SMS
257027 Outlook Inbox: Added ability to identify and mark emails as unread in Outlook Inbox
Description of Functionality: The Outlook Inbox shows all the mails from the last time it was loaded (closed or refreshed). The new mails that show up may or may not have already been read by the users and there was no way of identifying read from unread mails without reading. This behaviour has been modified and now the unread mail would be highlighted with a different colour.
Also, users will be able to mark mails as read from Moveware which would get reflected in the Outlook application as well.
Description of Usage: When a user opens the Outlook Inbox window (residing usually under Sales menu), it would fetch the mails from the Outlook of the user. The mails that get fetched would now appear with a background colour of misty rose if it has not been read in either Outlook or Moveware’s Outlook Inbox of the user. The other read emails would appear with the regular white background.
When a user would like to mark a mail on the Outlook Inbox, then just select the mail by double clicking on the Sel column of the mail and click on the ‘check doc’ button. This would mark the mail as read on the Outlook of the user as well as on Moveware
Company/Region Affected: All
258904 Email Language Tag enhanced to use Language of the Email to Field in Report
Description of Functionality: Previously the Language Tags only looked at the Client Language of the Removal Plan Details Tab, so you could not setup multilingual email templates direct at the Debtor/Corporate. So when sending automated email to Debtor/Corporates you could not Configure an Email to output in multiple languages based in the Debtor or Corporate.
Now the Email Language Tags Will Follow the Language of the “Email to” in the Email Template Setup in Report Configuration.
Description of Usage: If Email to = Debtor and the Debtor Language = English, the English Paragraphs will be displayed etc. This allows for Automated emails to Debtor/Corporate be setup up in multiple languages and the system will use the language of the Debtor/Corporate to generate the correct Text in the email.
Company/Region Affected: All
261536 Merge Field Added: Quote To
Description of Functionality: A merge field has been added that merges the data set in the ‘ Quote to’ field found in the Removal Details Tab
Description of Usage: Insert <Quote to> Merge field in a report email, and when sending this email, it will show a value from Removals Quote to.
Company/Region Affected: All
266979 Bug Fix: Fixed creating and completing of Survey diary actions when report is sent via email.
Description of Functionality: Previously, survey confirmation diary action is not created when report is sent via email. A fixed is now in place so that when creating and completing of Survey diary actions when a report is sent via email. Previously, survey confirmation diary action is not created when report is sent via email.
Description of Usage: When sending a report from the drop down list of a removal management by selecting the email icon, once sent the diary is refreshed there will now be two diary actions created and completed
Email Sent
Email report linked diary action.
Company/Region Affected: All
264879 Enhancement on System Parameter ‑ Link Additional to Removal in Time sheeting
Description of Functionality: System parameter added so that when turned on additional time sheeting items will already be assigned to a removal, the enhancement is for the cost centre to be set from removal cost centre instead of pay category cost centre
Description of Usage:
Code: LinkAdditionalToRemovalInTimesheeting
Desc: Link Additional to Removal in Timesheeting
Options: Y/N
Y ‑ additional time sheeting item assigned to removal
N‑ additional time sheeting items will not be assigned to removal
To test: Timesheeting screen add additional time, and link it to a removal, check the cost centre is add-ed as the cost centre of the removal, not of the pay category
Company/Region Affected: All
267974 New Report Option: Additional filters for Payroll reports
Description of Functionality: The following payroll reports can now be filtered by employee group and employee type
Pay Day Bank Deposits
Super Contribution Letter
Super Contribution Return
Description of Usage: Two filters including employee group and employee type filters are added on three reports.
employee group: filter group of employee.
employee type: filter type of employee.
Company/Region Affected: All
260970 Quick Adjustment screen
Description of Functionality: When posting on quick adjustment screen, if the exchange rate is different to the original invoice/purchase, then the exchange difference will automatically write to the exchange variation control account, previously the difference is adjusted on the original invoice
Description of Usage: From the debtor or creditor inquiry screens, click quick adjustment button, adjust the apply amount so that the exchange rate is different from the original, if the local apply amount is same as the original but foreign is different, then the exchange variation should be written to the exchange variation account and the original should be fully paid off
Company/Region Affected: All
261556 Event Log Invoice Sent Toggle Event Log
Description of Functionality:
An Event Log has been added to the new toggle to mark an Invoice as sent from Multi Print. When the toggle is check the toggle in the Invoice Multi Send, as well as if a user manually unchecks the Toggle.
Company/Region Affected: Martinspeed
262018 System Parameter Added: Validation of active employees assigned to debtors and creditors
Description of Functionality: When the system parameter is to Y on save of debtors/creditors we check that the employees assigned to that debtor/creditor are active
Description of Usage:
Code: EntityActiveUsersOnly
Desc: Entity Active Users Only
Choices: Y, N
Y‑ If employees on debtors/creditors are set to inactive you will not be able to continue until this is corrected.
N ‑ If employees on debtor/creditors are set to active or inactive you will still be able to proceed
Company/Region Affected: All
262371 Modify existing system parameter ‑ Set Invoice One Description to False by default
Description of Functionality: Originally the system parameter ‘Set Invoice One Description to False by default’ had only 2 options
Y ‑ Default One Description to False
N ‑ Default One Description to True
Now it can take a list of job types separated by comma
For example: IMP1,IMP2 will default to false for IMP1 and IMP2 only
Description of Usage:
Code: SetOneInvoiceFalse
Desc: Set Invoice One Description to False by default
Options: Y, N, list of job types
Y ‑ Default One Description to False
N ‑ Default One Description to True
Go to W Status Removal
Add new cost option for one of the job types set
Check the one toggle is set to off on the new Invoice
Company/Region Affected: All
263133 Invoice and Purchase Update CSV export improvements
Description of Functionality: Updated csv import format based on city, country and province. Filled blank data with double quotes.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by importing CSV file where blank data is filled with double quotes.
Company/Region Affected: Campbell Brothers Movers Ltd
263572 Invoice Validation on Inactive codes
Description of Functionality: Fixed the invoicing term field which could not retain the invoice term for the invoices that already created when that invoicing term is removed or set to inactive. Previously, term field is displayed blank if the term is set to inactive.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by setting term field from drop down and setting the same term value to inactive in codes management under terms type. Close and open removals again, which displays terms value even though it is set to inactive but throws a validation message on save as the record is inactive.
Company/Region Affected: All
264291 Validation added to Standard Purchase Import
Description of Functionality: Added a validation to standard purchase import from purchase update screen, standard import, to validate line item company against purchase header company, so the purchase must be all for the same company.
Company Specific Change: Cardigan Tate added validation against creditor company, as currently is for red sky import
Description of Usage: From purchase update screen, use standard import, if the import file contains purchase of the same file number with different companies it will fail validation, as a single purchase should be of the same company
Company/Region Affected: All
264883 System Parameter Added: Allow quick sending of invoices
Description of Functionality: System parameter added to allow users to quickly send/resend invoices from the Debtor inquiry screen by introducing two new buttons,
pdf icon
email icon
Company Specific Change: Permentely switched on for Martinspeed
Description of Usage:
Code: DebtorsInquiryQuickInvoice
Desc: Debtors Inquiry Quick Invoice
Choices: Y, N
Y ‑ Use newly displayed buttons on the Debtor Inquiry screen
N‑ Does not use the displayed buttons
Company/Region Affected: All
266431 Bug Fixed: Date check against company/branch close date when reversing journal
Description of Functionality: When reversing a journal, the system now checks the date against company / branch closed date, if the date is before closed date, then reverse should not be allowed
Description of Usage: When reversing a journal, depending on the type of journal it should check the journal date against company/branch close date
DI ‑ Invoice Closed Date
CI ‑ Purchase Closed Date
DR ‑ Receipt Closed Date
CP ‑ Payment Closed Date
If journal date is prior to branch / company closed date, then reversing should not be allowed
Company/Region Affected: All
266714 System Parameter Added: Show Removals with all debtors regardless of combined invoicing being in use
Description of Functionality: New system parameter added that determines if Debtors that are set to combined invoicing are display in the invoice update menu
Description of Usage:
Code: InvUpdateAllDebtors
Desc: Show Removals with all debtors regardless Combined Invoicing
Choices: Y, N
Y‑ The screen will show all debtors (Combined Invoicing N).
N ‑ The screen will show only debtors with Combined Invoicing set (Combined Invoicing Y).
If the system parameter is set to Y and the ‘Non Invoiced Removal Only’ toggle is set, then the screen will display all invoices regardless if the debtor is set to ‘Combined Invoice’ ‑ Y
If the toggle is selected and the system parameter is set to N, then the screen will display only invoiced that have debtors set to ‘Combined Invoice ‑ Y
Company/Region Affected: All
262113 System Parameter Enhanced ‑ Update DS Invoice One Description
Description of Functionality: Previously with this system parameter set to Y the system will update the invoice one description from cost option description only when invoice was first created. A Change has been made so that it is updated each time, and that it is locked on invoice so it cannot be edited and will always synch with cost option
Company Specific Change: Packimpex always enabled
Description of Usage:
Code: UpdateDSOneDesc
Desc: Update DS One Description
Options: Y N
-Check cost option is set to DS type, then update option description, check it is updated on the invoice and that this description is locked on invoice
Company/Region Affected: All
264426 Removal Products: Merge fields on manual add of removal products
Description of Functionality: Added ability to have merge fields when manually adding removal products to an invoice
Description of Usage: Set up removal product with a merge field. The below will merge the Removal number. Eg Additional Destination Services <RP> , Add this product to the invoice
Company/Region Affected: All
266733 Updating all costs with new tax code from cost option
Description of Functionality: Currently the update of tax code on costs from cost option only works if cost tax code is the same as previous cost option tax code, for example if cost option tax code changes from ‘GST’ to ‘IPT’, only costs with tax code GST is updated to IPT, the system now gives user the option to update all costs despite the tax code on the cost line, there will be a radio buttons set so user can select between ‘update all costs’ and ‘update only costs with same tax code as cost option’
Description of Usage: From costing screen, update cost option tax code, save, user is prompted with update tax lines with new tax code, and is given option to pick to update all cost lines or only the ones with same tax code as cost option
Company/Region Affected: All
Fine Art
261159 System Parameter Added: Fine Art Diary Deletion Security
Description of Functionality: System parameter added so that only users with security group X (Administration security Group) can delete diary action with assigned artworks
Description of Usage:
Code: FineArtDiaryDeletionSecurity
Desc: Fine Art Diary Deletion Security
Options, Y, N
Y ‑ Only user with Security Group X can delete diary action with assigned artworks
N ‑ Users without security group X may be able to delete diary actions (reliant on other security groups)
Company/Region Affected: All
262333 Diary Object screen new location column added
Description of Functionality: In the diary tab of removal management, if the user clicks on the chair icon to get the diary object screen, the screen now shows the location column, the filter has been moved up above the location column
Description of Usage: To use this feature, click on chair icon, check location column is there and filter works above the column
Company/Region Affected: All
259831 Speed Improvements for Fine Art
Description of Functionality: Added additional indexes and made enhancements to the database structure which should see speed improvements in Fine Art; namely the Object Management and Object Lookup screens.
Company/Region Affected: All
264261 Fine Art ‑ VAT Number Field on Diary Action Manually Editable
Description of Functionality: Fine Art ‑ VAT Number Field on Diary Action Manually Editable
Company/Region Affected: Martinspeed
264412 Bug Fix: Removal Object Screen
Description of Functionality: From Removal Object screen, users are getting error no household inventory record when adding inventory to a newly created removal without a storage account, this is now fixed
Description of Usage: From Removal Object screen, users are getting error when adding inventory to a newly created removal without a storage account, this is now fixed
Company/Region Affected: Region – All
264734 Bug Fix: Toggle in Object Management
Description of Functionality: Previously in object management, when toggle between owner/consignor/consignee, and a user attempts to save the Record the system would go to a different object and save, it saves the previously selected consignor/consignee to the new record, this is now fixed
Description of Usage:
-In object management, toggle between owner/consignor/consignee
-Select a Consignor/Consignee
-Go to another object
-Toggle to consignor/consignee where it is blank
-Save the record and now the user will see the previously selected consignor/consignee for previous object
Also added event log for setting consignor/consignee
Company/Region Affected: All
267388 Fine Art Waybill screen add refresh button
Description of Functionality: On removal screen, waybill tab, if fine art radio is selected, there is a new refresh button for if the user adds new containers from another tab and come back to waybill, they can refresh the containers on waybill
Description of Usage: From Removal waybill tab, use the refresh button to refresh fine art containers
Company/Region Affected: All
262788 New Key Action: Diary action Foreign Agent
Description of Functionality: New Key Action ‑ Export Instructions ‑ Diary Action Code “Foreign Agent” to adjust Diary Action details to enter information for Foreign Agent Instructions
Description of Usage: Used for Fine Art Movers where they link Object to Diary Action and generate multiple Instructions per Job.
Company/Region Affected: Martinspeed
259514 Fine Art/ Asset management screen display change
Description of Functionality: From removal diary, if the user clicks on the chair icon it shows the inventories linked to diary, this originally shows as Title then Artist, now it shows Artist Then Title
Description of Usage: From Job diary, if the user clicks on the chair icon it shows the inventories linked to diary, this originally shows as Title then Artist, now it shows Artist Then Title
261862 Update All Objects
Description of Functionality: New Fine Art Import Procedure that Updates Existing Artworks/Object with new Information from an Import Template.
Description of Usage: Can be used through Object Management or Data Import Utility
Company/Region Affected: All
264771 New filter in storage inventory to filter by NC for Fine Art accounts
Description of Functionality: A new filter above the NC column in the storage inventory screen for Fine Art accounts has been added for the user to be able to filter by NC (no charge).
Company/Region Affected: All
264258 Increase Character Search on Client Ref Field in Fine Art Object Searches
Description of Functionality: Previously the search was limited to 13 character it has now been increased to 50.
Company/Region Affected: All
266392 EEN and IEN Date field
Description of Functionality: The EEN and IEN Date field have been included in the Automatic update from Artwork to Component, previously the Date Field were not updating on the Components when the Artwork was updated
Description of Usage: Now if you enter either a IEN or EEN Date in the Artwork the Components will be updated as well.
Company/Region Affected: Martinspeed
Move Management
268266 Bug Fix ‑ Fixed Fair creating across parent removals
Description of Functionality:Fixed fair creating across parent job. Previously, if feedback comment is entered in Moveclient, fair is created across sequence removal rather than parent removal.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by adding review questions in sequence removal. Login to MoveClient, add feedback. The rating is saved against the sequence removal and fair is created across parent removal.
Company/Region Affected: Kent
260535 System Parameter Added: Clear Type Filter on Container Register
Description of Functionality: System parameter added that when turned on the system will clear a Type filter on the Container Register menu hence the screen should display all job types.
Description of Usage:
Code: ContainRegisterClearTypeFilter
Desc: Clear Type Filter on Container Register
Choice: Y, N
Y ‑ the screen will default Type filter as blank.
N‑ the screen will default Type filter as IM.
Company/Region Affected: All
253408 Removal Details: Referral Field
Description of Functionality: A change has been made to make the referral lookups wider than they were previously, the comment section in the lookup has been made wider for ease of access by the user. The description column has also been widened a bit so that the users do not have to scroll to read the entire contents of that column.
Description of Usage: All the referral lookups popup windows have been made a bit wide so that users can read through the columns easily.
Company/Region Affected: All
259863 Validation Added: Origin and Destination codes are same for IS job type
Description of Functionality: Added a new validation message to validate against origin and destination code.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by selecting same origin and destination codes for IS job type and clicking on Save. A message is displayed.
Company/Region Affected: Kent
260046 Referral code colour change
Description of Functionality: Change made to set the background colour of Referral field based on colour setting in codes management under Promos type. Set Referral field back ground colour based on colour setting in codes management for type Promos
Description of Usage: Set the ‘Colour’ field in codes management under Promos Type. Once the colour is set, if the user selects a value from the lookup by double clicking Referral field and leave the field, the colour is set accordingly. The user can also type in the code value which sets the colour too.
Company/Region Affected: All
261718 System Parameter Added: Closed cases and reporting
Description of Functionality: A system parameter ‘as been added which will allow the users to set a job to a pending close status ‘P’. If the user does not have security group Z they can only set the job from N to P, or from P back to N. Users with security Z can set the close flag to any status.
For example
Case 1: Current Status = N.
Users without Z security group access will just be able to set the flag to P.
Users with Z security group access can set the flag to P or Y.
Case 2: Current Status = P.
Users without Z security group access can only change the status to N.
Users with Z security group access can change the status to N or Y.
Case 3: Current Status = Y.
Only the users with Z security group access can change the status of these jobs to either P or N.
Users without Z security group access cannot modify the status of such jobs.
Description of Usage:
Desc: Removal Pending Close
Options: Y, N
Y ‑ Allows users with security group Z to set the close flag on a removal on any status
N‑ Does not allow removals to be closed without meeting validation
Company/Region Affected: United Kingdom
265787 System Parameter Added: To display removal records with uplift /delivery dates not blank
Description of Functionality: Added a new system parameter to display removal records with uplift /delivery dates are not blank. Previously, all removal records are displayed with/without uplift/toggle delivery dates.
Description of Usage:
Code: DestsumUpliftDelivery
Desc: To enforce the toggles when date is not entered in the uplift and delivery filters in destination summary
Choices: N = No, Y = Yes
The user can test this by setting the system parameter to ‘Y’ and removals records whose uplift/delivery dates are not set to blank are displayed when toggle uplift/delivery and uplift from and uplift to date / delivery from and to date are cleared. If the system parameter is set to ‘N’, it displays removal records including uplift /delivery dates blank
Company/Region Affected: All
Daily Diary
261779 System Parameter Added: Disable the approve all button in the daily/operational diary
Description of Functionality: A system parameter has been added to disable the approve all button in the daily diary
Description of Usage:
Code: DisableApproveAl
Desc: Disable Approve All
Options Y, N, Branch Code
Y‑ The Approve All button is disabled
N‑ The Approve All button is enabled
Branch code ‑ The approve all button is only disabled for the selected branch
Company/Region Affected: All
264755 Display Number of Cartons in Operational/ Daily Diary
Description of Functionality: Moveware has added the ability to display the total number of Cartons assigned to a job on the Search tab of the Daily Diary. The cartons are displayed in the same column location as the volume (column label Vol). The user is able to toggle between the volume and number of cartons. If a system is setup to display the weight (labelled Lbs or Kgs) then this column will also toggle between those.
Previously when Moveware was enabled to display the weight, there was a toggle box that would display either the volume or weight. This has been modified to a button (down arrow icon) that will toggle between volume, weight and cartons when the system is enabled to display any or all of these columns.
Description of Usage: To enable the display of cartons, the system parameter DailyDiaryCartons needs to be set to Y. For system setup to not display the weight in the Daily Diary, when this system parameter is setup the button to toggle between volume and cartons will be visible. If the system is already setup to display the weight, then the toggle will have extra functionality to display the cartons.
Company/Region Affected: All
Removal Diary
256425 System Parameter Added: Validated Volume in Removal Diary
Description of Functionality: System parameter has been added to be validate volume against any operational diary actions that have a date set. This can be used to apply for specific branch / cost centres.
Description of Usage:
Code: Validatevolumefieldinjob
Desc: Validate volume field in Job Diary
Choices: Y, N
Must be used in conjunction with the system parameter ‘Use volume field in diary’.
To test, go to the Removal diary screen and save a diary without the volume set, error message will appear if diary has date set and is an operational diary action.
Company/Region Affected: All
260604 System Parameter Added: Creating status diary action based on Active / Inactive status
Description of Functionality: Added a system parameter to set the diary action to ‘Active’ status and create diary actions when status is changed.
Description of Usage:
Code: CreateDiaryOnStatusChange
Desc: Create a diary action when the status of a job changes
Choices: Y = Yes, N = No, M = Alert Only to Move Manager, S = Alert to Salesrep, A = Alert to Account Manager, E = Alert to Entered By
If the system parameter is set to ‘Y’, finds the status change diary action, sets to ‘Active’ if it is set to ‘Inactive’ and created the diary action if it doesn’t exist. If the system parameter is set to ‘N’, diary actions are not created. If the system parameter is set to ‘M’/’S’/’A’/’E’, diary action alerts are sent to Move Manager / Salesrep / Account Manager / Entered by based on the above values.
The user can test this with following:
If status diary action is active, then it creates diary action in removals.
If status diary action is inactive, then no diary action is created in removals.
If the diary action is not found in Windows > Diary actions, then it creates both the places.
Company/Region Affected: All
266390 Speed improvement in removal diary
Description of Functionality: From diary resource screen, when updating resource, it was slow to update the main diary window, this is now improved
Description of Usage: From removal diary, click on resource truck icon, add or modify a resource check the main diary screen is updated and the speed is not slow
Company/Region Affected: All
Rates & Costing
260049 New System Parameter ‑ Control Which Debtor Is Auto‑Populated in Rate Requests
Description of Functionality: When Rate Requests are created, by default they auto‑populate the Debtor in the Cost Option Header with the Agent From. Different companies define and populate the Agent from and Agent to fields in the Rate Requests different ways, using different logic and require more flexibility in this control. A system parameter has been added to allow that flexibility
Description of Usage:
Code: SetWhichDebtorInRateRequest
Desc: Set Which Debtor in Rate Request
Options: F, T, C
F‑ based on the from Agent
T: based on to Agent
C: on the Cost Centre ‑ EX will use the to Agent, IM will use the form Agent
Company/Region Affected: All
261221 System Parameter Added: Enforce Security for Deletion of Cost Option to use group X
Description of Functionality: Previously there was no security enforcement on deletion of a cost option, when this system parameter is turned on, only users with security group X (administration group) is able to delete a cost option
Description of Usage:
Code: EnforceDeleteCostOptionSecurity
Desc: Enforce Security for Deletion of Cost Option to use group X
Options: Y/N
Y ‑ Users with security group X can delete a cost option
N‑ All users with appropriate security groups can delete cost options
Company/Region Affected: All
262987 Bug Fix: Costing Tab where foreign estimated value and rate are saved as 0
Description of Functionality: In the Costing Tab of removal management, a fix has been made so that if both local and foreign rates are shown, with an exchange rate saved as 0, and the foreign rate and estimated value are saved as 0
Description of Usage: To test this fix system should be using both local and foreign rates are shown in costing, check if the exchange rate is set to 0, and that the estimated cost foreign value is saved correctly
Company/Region Affected: All
261950 System Parameter Added : Rates Import and Export ‑ Variable rate minimum and maximum
Description of Functionality: In version 6.2 of Moveware, access to the Min and Max columns for the variable rate matrix were given through Rate Management. This allowed system to set minimum and maximum values on the rate breaks, in that same way the minimum and maximum values applied to the overall rate. However, the rates import and exports did not include these minimum and maximum values for the variable rate matrix. This meant they were not able to be modified through the import of rates.
A system parameter has been added to allow systems to include these minimum and maximum values in the variable rate matrix to the import and export of rates. This has been added as a system parameter so existing systems that use macros to update rates will still work.
Description of Usage:
Code: RatesImportExportBreakMinMax
Desc: Include the Minimum and Maximum columns from the variable rate matrix in the Rates Export/Import
Choices: Y, N
Y‑ Includes the minimum and maximum columns variable in the rate matrix
N‑ Does not include the minimum and maximum columns variable in the rate matrix
The only change to the process through Moveware is the setting of the system parameter. Once this is set the file will be created using the same process and the import will done through the same process.
Company/Region Affected: All
263666 System Parameter Added: Don’t Use Costing Notify Branch
Description of Functionality: System parameter has been added to that when using costing approval system and the employee lookup pops up to enable the user to select from the list the system will now filter on the cost option branch
Description of Usage:
Code: DontUseCostNotifyBranch
Discount Use Costing Notify Branch
Options: Y, N
Y ‑ the branch filter is set to user branch as previous behaviour
N‑ the branch filter is set to use the cost option branch
To Test: Go to the Costing screen and lock costing without sufficient approval level. There should be a user lookup popup to select the approver, check the branch filter is filled in with the cost option branch. If the new system parameter ‘don’t use costing notify branch’ is on, then the branch filter is set to user branch as previous behaviour
Company/Region Affected: All
257245 System Parameter Added: Use Cost Option Status Q for Quote
Description of Functionality: System parameter added that when turned on if a cost option is won, then a copy of the cost option is saved at status Q so the pricing is preserved on this cost option. All adjustment is disabled on Q status cost options, and no actuals or invoices can be entered or created, this is used for reference only and does not include in revenue or invoice flag calculations. there is a toggle on cost option which will show or hide the Q status options
Description of Usage:
Code: UseCostStatusQ
Desc: Use Cost Option Status Q for Quote
Choices: Y, N
Y‑ Uses Status Q
N‑ Doesn’t use status Q
To create a Q status option, set a cost option to W status, a copy of the cost option will be created at status Q Check that no adjustment can be made on Q status cost options, and no actuals or invoices can be added or created, also check that this is not included in revenue or invoice flag check
Company/Region Affected: All
259746 Preventing cost options being set to free of charge when linked to an invoice
Description of Functionality: Previously it was possible to set a removal with a linked invoice to be free of charge. This has been changed to remove that possibility. A pop up will display if attempted. This is to prevent a situation where the user is unable to re link the cost option to the invoice.
Description of Usage:
Unlink cost option from invoice
Press Free of Charge button on costing header.
Unable to set to F ‑ unlinked invoice. Please relink the cost option to the invoice before setting this option to F
Company/Region Affected: All
262637 System Parameter Added: Validation on Est Qty on Costing Tab
Description of Functionality: Added new validation to pop up a warning message if Est Qty is less than 1. Previously, Est Qty field takes any value. To pop up a warning message if Est Qty is less than 1.
Description of Usage:
Code: CostingQtyWarning
Desc: To validate estimated quantity is less than 1
Choice: Y, N
Y ‑ A pop up will display if the value of estimated quantity is less than 1
N‑ No pop up will display, Estimated quantity can be able value
Company/Region Affected: All
264547 Rate Request Validation ‑ Validate the Contact Name and Email on Agent To
Description of Functionality: On the Save of the Rate Request ‑ All Statuses ‑ Validate the Contact Name and Email on the “Agent To” on the creation/save of the Rate Request.
Company/Region Affected: Grospiron
267293 Bug Fix: Currency lock toggle for foreign currency
Description of Functionality: A change has been made to fix a bug so that the foreign currency values are locked when cost and sell are the same Currency. If the system uses the currency lock toggle in cost option header (system parameter Lock the foreign currency values when cost and sell are the same currency), when it is ticked, the profit was previously always shown in foreign currency regardless of the price currency toggle in costing, this is now fixed so it shows local if the price currency toggle is unticked in costing.
Description of Usage:
If the system uses currency lock toggle and it is locked in cost option header. Put in a profit or set sell price, check that the profit is set correctly to both local and foreign currencies as the price toggle in costing is ticked on and off.
Company/Region Affected: All
265025 Bug Fix ‑ Closing of removal should not validate if invoice is set to no charge.
Description of Functionality: Previously if a removal had an invoice set as no charge then the validation no setting a removal to close appeared. Fixed in place so that when closing a removal that has an invoice set as no charge no validation will appear and allow the user to close the removal
Description of Usage: The user can test this by closing a removal which has invoice set as no charge. It does allow to close.
Company/Region Affected: All
258846 Event Log Added: From Access and to Access fields
Description of Functionality: Add event log for from Access and to Access fields
Description of Usage: Any edit of the values in ‘From Access’ and ‘To Access’ fields
Company/Region Affected: All
260330 Event Log Added: System generated resource add event log
Description of Functionality: Previously there was one event log per resource, now all the resources added at the same time will be logged under one event log, with each resource listed in the detail section. This is for resource add event logs generated by move survey or other web services,
Description of Usage: Movesurvey event logs will be combined so that one event log is added for all the resources added
Company/Region Affected: All
261961 Added Copy functionality to copy invoice charge lines.
Description of Functionality: Added Copy functionality to copy invoice charge lines. Previously, copy button did not exist.
Description of Usage: The user can copy invoice charge lines by clicking on copy button where duplicate invoice charge line is created.
Company/Region Affected: All
262459 Added an option to send reminders to assigned users on adding/updating diary action
Description of Functionality: Added an option to send reminders to assigned users on adding/updating diary action. Previously, reminders are sent to move manager only.
Description of Usage:
Set the Reminder field to ‘A’ and Date field to ‘Diary in Diary actions screen. The user can add the diary action and set the date. Reminders are sent to comma separated user list displayed in Assigned column.
Company/Region Affected: All
263190 Remove no charge button
Description of Functionality: Removed the no charge button
Description of Usage: Hides the no charge button on the removals screen
Company/Region Affected: Packimpex
263929 Bug Fixed: Waybill Dimensions Inventory Dimensions displaying in wrong unit
Description of Functionality: Bug fixed where dim in Waybill Inventory Fine Art View were displaying in mm even though the system parameter was set to cm
Company/Region Affected: All
264055 Event Log Added : Link/Unlink removals
Description of Functionality: When a removal is linked/unlinked an event is logged . The button link/unlink ( chain icon) is below refresh button.
Description of Usage: Clicking at the button link/unlink (chain icon) is below refresh button, there is an event log to tell whether the removal is linked or unlinked.
Company/Region Affected: All
264085 Contact tab notes readability improvement
Description of Functionality: Added dotted lines to seperate between discussions and display full name of the user. Previously, no sepaeration of lines between discussion and user name is displayed.
Description of Usage: When a user sends an email with discussion, there is a dotted line which sepaerates the discussions. Also, full name of user is displayed rather than username.
Company/Region Affected: Armstrong
***Will be released to all companies next release ****
264384 Event Log Added: Tax Code Updates
Description of Functionality: For Tax Code Update Event logs, event log now in place to log why the tax code is updated, previously some logs would say ‘due to change in’ without stating in what, this is now rectified
Description of Usage: Check event log when tax is updated, the event should state what has caused the tax update
Company/Region Affected: All
264475 New Advanced Lookup Filters in Removals > Search, Advance filter (binocular)
Description of Functionality: Added Destination Agent, Destination Agent Code, Origin Agent, Origin Agent Code filters to filter by agent code and name.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by having the below settings in codes management.
Code Value = Destination Agent/Destination Agent Code/Origin Agent/ Origin Agent Code
Description = oagentid/oagentid/foagentid/foagentid
Add Type 1 = oagents.o‑name/oagents.o‑code/oagents.o‑name/oagents.o‑code
Default = int
The above order is based on the filter value. The user can select from the dropdown in binocular and select Destination Agent/Destination Agent Code/Origin Agent/ Origin Agent Code. Double click on the fill‑in which pops up a lookup where the user can select an agent and press enter.
Company/Region Affected: All
264769 Validation Added: Do not validate bill to for W status removal
Description of Functionality: Do not validate bill to for W status removal
Description of Usage: In removal management, when a job is Won, do not validate the bill to field, previously this is a mandatory field for all companies
Company/Region Affected: Johnsons
265010 System Parameter Added: Revenue Calculation Always from Costs and Invoices
Description of Functionality: System parameter added that will alter how the revenue on the removal management tab is calculated
Description of Usage:
Code: RevenueAlwaysFromCostInvoice
Desc: Revenue Calculation Always from Costs and Invoices
Choices: Y, N or Removal Status
Y‑ ALL revenue calculations will come from costs/invoices, manual revenue is disabled on removals detail screen, and adding/deleting costs/invoices will set the revenue, if there are no costs/invoices, the revenue is set to 0
N ‑ The behaviour is same as previous version
Removal Status ‑ Only removals with a status selected will be affected, for example if system parameter is set to P, then both P and W jobs will have revenue calculated from cost/invoice, and no manual revenue is allowed
Company/Region Affected: All
265660 Removing Validation on destination
Description of Functionality: No longer validates the destination
Description of Usage: Save removals without destination entered
Company/Region Affected: Packimpex
266157 Event Log Added: Language field
Description of Functionality: Create event log when ‘Language’ field value is changed.
Description of Usage: When making a change to Language field, there is an event log to tell which language is changed from and which language is changed to.
Company/Region Affected: All
266434 System Parameter Modified: Default ‘Int Sales Rep’ field to ‘Entered By’ field
Description of Functionality: Setting ‘Int Sales Rep’ field to ‘Entered By’ field value and if the field is blank on adding/copying/saving a removal. Previously, ‘Int Sales Rep’ field is not defaulted.
Description of Usage:
Code: sysparam‑spare[9]Desc: Validate Sales Representative
Choices: Y, N S
N ‑ No Validation
Y‑ Validate Field
S‑ Use Entered by if Blank
On adding/copying a new removal or saving an existing removal, if ‘Int Sales Rep’ field is blank, then it is does the following based on system parameter values: ‑
The user can test this by setting the system parameter to ‘N’ where the validation is not required.
The user can test this by setting the system parameter to ‘Y’ where the validation is not required.
The user can set the system parameter to ‘S’ which sets ‘Int Sales Rep’ field to ‘Entered by’ field value on adding/copying/saving a removal.
Company/Region Affected: Kent
267069 Import Tab: Relabel Item to Container
Description of Functionality: A change has been made to relabel Item to Container in removals management import tab for MS
Description of Usage: This change can be found in the removals management when selecting an import removal in the Import tab the previously named Item field is now labelled Container
Company/Region Affected: Martinspeed
251779 New Report: Crew Performance Report
Description of Functionality: A new Report called “Crew Performance” has been created. This will allow users the ability to see their employees Survey and Claims results along with a summary of them performance for a given time period.
Description of Usage: The report is located on the Reporting Menu under the Analysis Tab.
Company/Region Affected: All
260269 Report Change: Insurance Premiums
Description of Functionality: Changed Insurance Premiums report to pull rates from rates setup module under removal product.
Description of Usage: Report can be found under the Other tab of report, sub heading Insurance. Changed to the report to pull rates from rates setup under removal product. Please Note: If users overwrite rates on an invoice then the report will pull in rates from the invoice instead of removals product’s rates.
Company/Region Affected: All
264876 Report Filter: Claim date filter added to all claim report
Description of Functionality: Claim date filters have been added on the report that has the report that begins on ‘Claims’
Description of Usage: All claim reports now have the claim date in the list on date filter.
Company/Region Affected: All
264989 New Report Option: Set Default Branch G/L code Branch filter and Year filter on reports
Description of Functionality: When branch filter is selected for the lookup list, the branch G/L code is populated into the branch filter and the year filter is defaulting to Current G/L year
Description of Usage: Populated the branch G/L code and set the default year to Current G/L year outside G/Ledger dialogue
To set this up :
Open Report Configuration
Select the report
Double click in the filters field
Select GLReport from the Filter Lookup, click the ‘OK’ button
The branch G/L code will populate into the branch filter and the year filter will be defaulting to Current G/L year
Company/Region Affected: All
260341 New Report Option: P & L Summary Report ‑ new toggle Exclude Current added
Description of Functionality: On the P & L Summary Report (Usually found under the G\Ledger tab of Reports) a new filter ‘toggleexseq’ has been added to report filter. The toggle will show on the report screen as ‘Exclude Current’. If this is ticked, then the profit and loss summary report will show 0 for any period that is current or in the future, the system will use todays date and compare with the period end date to determine if a period is current and in the future.
Description of Usage: In the report configuration for profit and loss summary report, add a new filter ”toggleexseq’, check the report now has a new toggle ‘Exclude Current’. If the toggle is checked, the report will show 0 amount for all periods that are current or future
Company/Region Affected: All
266042 New Report Option: New word merge field
Description of Functionality: Added new word merge field <Social_Security_No> for Merge Version of type Waybill
Description of Usage:
Select Merge Version: Waybill
In a Word Document insert <Social_Security_No>
Company/Region Affected: All
267984 New Report Option: Job Date filter added to the Removals Profit and Loss report
Description of Functionality: A new “Job date” filter has ne been add on the Removals Profit and Loss report
Description of Usage: When the user selects “Job date” on the date filter, the Removals Profit and Loss report will show export job if the uplift date is between date from and date to and will show the other job if the delivery date is between date from and date to.
Company/Region Affected: All
268294 New Report Option: Ability to export Crystal Reports to CSV
Description of Functionality: For any crystal reports that is able to be exported to excel, they can also now be exported to Comma Separated Value (CSV) formats.
Description of Usage:
In reports screen, highlight the report to be exported to CSV
In the right hand column, double click the ‘Excel Output’ option until it shows ‘CSV’.
Click on the Excel button and the report will be exported as a CSV file instead of a standard Excel report.
Company/Region Affected: All
261043 New Report Option: Review Summary Detailed
Description of Functionality: Previously the ‘Review Summary’ report did not have a detailed option. The new details option will allow users to see all questions, scores and comments of all removals in a period filtered.
Description of Usage: The report can be found under the Analysis tab of Reports menu.
A new review report detailing all questions, scores and comments of all removals in a period filtered.
Users can also filter a range of score to be displayed in the report.
The review tab in removal management must be in use for data to populate onto this report.
Company/Region Affected: All
252733 Added copy functionality to copy storage charge lines
Description of Functionality: Added the ability to copy storage charge lines. Previously, there was Add, Delete, Save, Reset and Cancel options.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by selecting a record and clicking on Copy button which copies the same record in a new line.
Company/Region Affected: All
260807 System Parameter Added: Calculate partial months as whole
Description of Functionality: A system parameter has been added to calculate partial months as a whole in storage invoicing
Description of Usage:
Code: StgInvoiceFullMonth
Desc: Stg Invoice Full Month
Options; Y, N
Y‑ Will allow partial month calculation
N‑ Will not allow partial month calculation
To test, run storage invoicing. Invoices for partial months will be calculated at 1 month. Eg, last acc date 15/04/16 to invoice date 30/04/16 will be calculated at 1.
Company/Region Affected: All
263678 Storage Charges Enhancements
Description of Functionality: The Storage Charge Date Ranges has been updated to generate differently than the Moveware Standard. Previously the System would write the Charge Dates “STORAGE CHARGES from 01/04/16 To 30/06/16” into the From Field on the Invoice screen. Now the charge period and generated as “2016/04 ‑ 2016/06”
Company/Region Affected: Sobolak International
260012 Event Log Added: Waybill Created from a Copy
Description of Functionality: When a waybill is created from a ‘Copy’ the event is now logged This event will also record a waybill number it copies from.
Company/Region Affected: All
257604 Relabel waybill to Road Manifest for Road Service
Description of Functionality: For Road service removals, the waybill tab in removals management shows as ‘Road Manifest’ rather than ‘Waybill’
Description of Usage: To test go to a Road service removal in removal management, check the label for waybill tab is renamed to ‘Road Manifest’
Company/Region Affected: Elliotts
259060 Older Moveclient version update ‑ MoveClient notifications for all interested employees
***Please note this feature already exists on the newer version. ***
Description of Functionality:
Moveclient to Moveware notifications: when a removal gets updated online by the clients a notification is sent to the staff related to the removal about the update. Previously this was limited to just the following
entered by
move manager
This limitation has been extended to update all the other employees belonging to the same branch as the job who have the MoveClient notification turned on for themselves.
Description of Usage: Ensure the employee being tested has the MoveClient notify selected under the Employee Management > User Details screen. Find a job of the same branch as the user and log in to the MoveClient portal as that client. Make an update e.g. add feedback on the job. The Moveware user being tested should receive a notification regarding the update.
Company/Region Affected: All
259826 Bug Fix: Update Inventory from duplicating Inventory items
Description of Functionality: Previously when a user opens Inventory Manager tab and selects all the inventory and clicks on the Save button once and closes it the inventory items are added correctly. An issue occurs when a user adds new inventory items and each time clicks on save, in this case the inventory would get duplicated. To rectify the issue‑ changed Save button to a Submit button so that the user can make all the necessary additions and changes and click submit once or keep clicking and saving each time.
Description of Usage: Please ensure that the MoveClient portal has the Update Inventory button enabled for the users.
To test the fix
Login to the Moveclient portal for a job as a client
Click on the Update inventory button for the required job
Edit the inventory items and click on Submit/close as required
Check the inventory list with the inventory items on Removals > Inventory tab
Company/Region Affected: All
262685 System Parameter Added: Check Web Access password strength for MovePortal
Description of Functionality: The originally designed check related to the strength of the password that is set for a customer for accessing Movepartner is now controlled through a system parameter to switch the feature on/off as desired by the user. Please be aware that a stronger password would still be recommended for the access of the website for the user’s data security.
Description of Usage:
Code: CheckWebAccessPassword
Desc: Check Web Access password strength for MovePortal
Choices: Y, N
Y ‑ password strength will be checked
N ‑ password will be accepted without checking for strength.
Once updated, the user with required permissions, will be able to edit/add customer’s password through Debtor Management > Debtors > Contact details. Please note the Web Access would still require a password ‑ it cannot be blank if the Web Access has been set to Y for the customer.
Company/Region Affected: All
264502 HTML tags displayed in content field on MoveConnect screen.
Description of Functionality: The content field at bottom of MoveConnect screen (auto emails, that displays auto emails etc. showed html tags if html editor was enabled. Now it has been changed to display the formatted result instead, similar to the Additional Notes field on the diary tab. Also the formatted result is displayed in the dialog that appears when the user double clicks on the content field, similar to the dialog that appears when double clicking the additional notes field on the diary tab.
Description of Usage: Formatted result is displayed in the content field at the bottom left of the MoveConnect screen. The formatted result is also displayed in the dialog that appears when the user double clicks on the content field, similar to the dialog that appears when double clicking the additional notes field on the diary tab.
Company/Region Affected: All