Set up SMS Reply Messages
Customers can be directed in how to respond to your SMS messages by including a message line (as set up in Default Messages). Forwarding rules can also be set up in the Settings section of the web interface (see Setting up your Account).
It is also possible to configure the mobile number SMS messages appear to be sent from (instead of the service provider number). This allows clients to easily know who the SMS is sent by, and to easily reply if necessary.
How to Set Up a Number Clients Will See/Respond To
From the Home page, navigate to Settings > Registered Devices in the menu.
On the Registered Devices page, select the Add My SMS Phone link.
On the Register Your SMS Phone page, enter the phone number you want your clients to see in the Your Mobile Phone field.
Note: The number must be entered following the International Dialing format i.e. +61 for Australia, then the mobile number without the 0 i.e. +614383455323 or UK numbers enter +447753455323.Click Submit. An activation code will be sent to the mobile number you entered.
In the Confirmation page, enter the received activation code click Confirm. You will also be prompted to forward all incoming messages to the number entered. Click Yes if you wish to do this, then tick the Is Active check box on the Forwarding Rules Manager page to activate the rule.
Navigate to Settings > Account in the menu.
On the View/Edit Account Settings page select the number entered at step 3 in the smsOUT drop down list. Click Submit. This will complete the setup.