MoveCrew – Reports
The Reports window in MoveCrew allows for quick and easy generation of several reports:
Household Insurance
Inventory List
Moveware Reports can also be generated through MoveCrew. These require an internet connection as information must be sent to Moveware from MoveCrew, which is used to create the report inside Moveware, which is then sent back to MoveCrew. This method can be used to generate a Packing List using a version that is set up inside Moveware, for instance.
The reports set up on your MoveCrew with this capability display as “Server Reports”.
How to Set Up a Report in Moveware to be Used in MoveCrew
Open the Report Configuration screen.
Find the report you want to appear in Moveware
In the Filters section, add ‘ms’ for the report to appear in MoveSurvey, and mc for the report to appear in MoveCrew. You can add both ms and mc to the filter list.
In the Help section, the filters for the report need to be added. These filters are limited and do not cover the full range of filters available in Moveware. The current ones are:
inventactest;Estimated / Actual;combo;Estimated,Actual;ms-Estimated,mc-Actual
The format of this text is:
<Moveware Filter Name>;<MoveSurvey Filter Text>;<Filter type- Text or Combo>;<Combo Options>;<Default value. Prefix ms- or mc- to default between versions. {rnumber} will insert the current removal plan number into the field>
Run a codes refresh in MoveCrew for these reports to be available.