Employee Reports – Payroll
This page describes the standard Moveware reports available in the Employees tab of the Reports module, in the Payroll Reports section.
Overtime Hours
Breakdown of each employees Normal, Time & Half and Double time hours.
Pay Reviews
Listing of dates for Employee Pay Reviews.
Payment Summaries
Payment Summaries for lodgement to Tax Office.
Payment Summaries Amendment
Amendment to Payment Summaries for lodgement to Tax Office.
Payment Summary – Notice to Payee
Notice for employee explaining Payment Summary. To be printed with Payment Summary.
Payment Summary Audit Trail
Payment Summaries Audit Trail for lodgement to Tax Office
Payroll Allowances
Report used to display all Payroll Allowances for the period and branch.
Payroll Deductions
Report used to display all Payroll Deductions for the period and branch.
Payroll Entitlements
Report detailing entitlements taken and accrued for staff such sick leave, holidays and RDO’s for the dates allocated enabling the company to view its employee liability.
Payroll Tax
Report used to calculate Payroll Tax based on Employee Wages.
Super Contribution Letter
Letter detailing employee contributions to a Superannuation Fund for the given period.
Super Contribution Return
Shows the transactions of superannuation for each employee. Lists each employee, their superannuation details and the amount contributed.
Year to Date Totals
Breakdown of totals for gross, net, tax and superannuation for a pay period.