STP Data Export Fields and Requirements
Below is a table of fields that are sent to the ATO and the corresponding Moveware fields. It also notes those fields that must be configured and those that are optional.
Section | Submission Field | Moveware Field | Source/Comments | Mandatory |
Payer | Australian Business Number | ABN Number (Branch) | Administration -> Moveware Setup -> Branches | Yes (Must be 11 digits) |
Payer | Organisation Name | Branch Name | Administration -> Moveware Setup -> Branches | Yes |
Payer | Organisation Code | “1” | This is defaulted to 1 assuming that Payers have not branched for PAYG withholding purposes | Yes |
Payer | Contact Person | Employee Name | Full name of the employee logged into Moveware and submitting the STP | Yes |
Payer | Electronic Email | Branch Email | Administration -> Moveware Setup -> Branches | No |
Payer | Telephone | Branch Telephone | Administration -> Moveware Setup -> Branches | No |
Payer | Address Line 1 | Branch Address Line 1 | Administration -> Moveware Setup -> Branches (Postal Address) | Yes |
Payer | Address Line 2 | Branch Address Line 2 | Administration -> Moveware Setup -> Branches (Postal Address) | No |
Payer | Suburb | Branch Suburb | Administration -> Moveware Setup -> Branches (Postal Address) | Yes |
Payer | State | Branch State | Administration -> Moveware Setup -> Branches (Postal Address) | If entered, must be one of AAT ACT NSW NT QLD SA TAS VIC WA |
Payer | Postcode | Branch Post Code | Administration -> Moveware Setup -> Branches (Postal Address) | Yes |
Payer | Country | “AU” | Defaulted to ‘AU’ | If entered, must be a valid 2-digit Country code |
Payer | Pay Date | Pay Date | Employee Management -> Pays -> Timesheet Pay Date | Yes |
Payer | Record Count | The number of employee pays in the submission | Count of employee pays in the submission | Yes |
Payer | Run Date Time | YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS | The current date & timestamp at which the STP is submitted | Yes |
Payer | Submission ID | XXXXXXXX | Moveware Generated Unique ID related to each Submission. | Yes |
Payer | Amendment | True or False | True if the Pay record has been previous submitted (i.e. STP ID is not equal to 0); False otherwise | Yes |
Payer | Pay As You Go Withholding Tax | xxxxxxxxx.xx | Total Tax Withheld for the pay | Yes |
Payer | Total Gross Payments | xxxxxxxxx.xx | Total Salary, wages and other payments paid during the reporting period from which an amount must be withheld | Yes |
Payer | Declaration Signature | Employee Name | Full name of the employee logged into Moveware and submitting the STP | Yes |
Payer | Declaration Date | YYYY-MM-DD | Date the STP is being submitted | Yes |
Payee | Tax File Number | Tax File Number | Employee Management -> Pay Setup -> TFN | Yes (Must be 8 or 9 digits) |
Payee | Employment Payroll Number | Employee ID | Employee Management -> Details -> Emp ID | Yes |
Payee | Family Name | Last Name | Employee Management -> Details -> Last Name | Yes |
Payee | Given Name | First Name | Employee Management -> Details -> First Name | Yes |
Payee | Other Name | Preferred Name | Employee Management -> Details -> Preferred | No |
Payee | Birth Date | D.O.B. | Employee Management -> Details -> D.O.B. | No |
Payee | Address Line 1 | Postal Address 1 | Employee Management -> Details -> Postal Address Line 1 | Yes |
Payee | Address Line 2 | Postal Address 2 | Employee Management -> Details -> Postal Address Line 2 | No |
Payee | Address Suburb | Postal Address Suburb | Employee Management -> Details -> Postal Address Suburb | Yes |
Payee | Address State | Postal Address State | Employee Management -> Details -> Postal Addres State | If entered, must be one of AAT ACT NSW NT QLD SA TAS VIC WA |
Payee | Address Postcode | Postal Address Postcode | Employee Management -> Details -> Postal Address Postcode | Yes |
Payee | Address Country | “AU” | Defaulted to ‘AU’ | If entered, must be a valid 2-digit Country code |
Payee | Electronic Mail Address | Email Address | Employee Management -> Details -> Email (W) | No |
Payee | Telephone | Mobile if not Blank, otherwise Home Phone | Employee Management -> Details -> Mobile (if not blank) | No |
Payee | Employment Start Date | Start Date | Employee Management -> Details -> Start Date | No |
Payee | Employment End Date | Date Terminated | Employee Management -> Details -> Date Terminated | No |
Payee | Payroll Period Start Date | Pay From | Employee Management -> Pays -> Pay From (Column under Timesheets) | Yes |
Payee | Payroll Period End Date | Pay To | Employee Management -> Pays -> Pay To (Column under Timesheets) | Yes |
Payee | Payroll Event Final | Final Pay of the Financial Year | Prompted when Submitting the Pay to the ATO in Payroll Update (Defaulted to No); Payers who report and finalise all payments throughout the year via STP (before July 14th of the following Financial Year) will not need to provide the corresponding payment summaries and a payment summary annual report to the ATO | Yes |
Payee | Gross | Gross Payments | This is the YTD amount paid in the form of salary, wages, bonuses and commissions minus amounts reported separately such as Lump sum payments, CDEP, RESC or Exempt Foreign Employement Income, Salary Sacrificed amounts | Yes |
Payee | CDEP | N/A | This is not currently supported by Moveware | No |
Payee | PAYG Tax Withheld | Tax Withheld | This is the YTD value for the amount withheld under the Pay As You Go (PAYG) arrangement | Yes |
Payee | Exempt Foreign Income Amount | 0 | Defaulted to 0 | No |
Payee | ETP Code | Allowance Code (ETP) | Employees -> Payroll Admin -> Payroll Categories -> Allowance Code (Last digit of an ETP Code) | Yes, if there is an ETP payment |
Payee | ETP Date | Pay Date | Employee Management -> Pays -> Pay Date (Column under Timesheets) | Yes, if there is an ETP payment |
Payee | ETP Tax Free Component | Pay Amount (ETP) | Pay amount for any ETP pays that are set to Tax Exempt = ‘Y’ | Yes, if there is an ETP payment |
Payee | ETP Taxable Component | Pay Amount (ETP) | Pay amount for any ETP pays that are set to Tax Exempt = ‘N’ | Yes, if there is an ETP payment |
Payee | ETP PAYGW Amount | ETP Tax (calculated from tax scale) | Calculated from the Taxable ETP component using the Taxscales in Moveware | Yes, if there is an ETP payment |
Payee | Lump Sum A Type | R or T | Employees -> Payroll Admin -> Payroll Categories -> Allowance Code (LA = T; LAR = R) | Yes, if there is an LA or LAR pay |
Payee | Lump Sum A Amount | Pay Amount (Lump Sum A) | Employee Management -> Pays -> Amount (on a Lump Sum A payment) | Yes, if there is an LA or LAR pay |
Payee | Lump Sum B Amount | Pay Amount (Lump Sum B) | Employee Management -> Pays -> Amount (on a Lump Sum B payment) | No |
Payee | Lump Sum D Amount | Pay Amount (Lump Sum D) | Employee Management -> Pays -> Amount (on a Lump Sum D payment) | No |
Payee | Lump Sum E Amount | Pay Amount (Lump Sum E) | Employee Management -> Pays -> Amount (on a Lump Sum E payment) | No |
Payee | Allowance Type | Allowance Code | Employees -> Payroll Admin -> Payroll Categories -> Allowance Code (Last digit of an Allowance Code) | If an allowance payment is entered, the allowance type must be one of (C)ar, (T)ransport, (L)aundry, (M)eals, T(R)avel, (O)ther |
Payee | Allowance Description | Allowance Description | Employees -> Payroll Admin -> Payroll Categories -> Description (if Allowance Type is Other) | If allowance type is (O)ther |
Payee | Allowance Amount | Pay Amount (Allowances) | Employee Management -> Pays -> Amount (on an Allowance payment) | No |
Payee | Deduction Type | Allowance Code (Deductions) | Employees -> Payroll Admin -> Payroll Categories -> Allowance Code (on Deduction pay categories) | If payroll category type is Deduction then allowance code will decide the type, i.e. allowance code = ‘WG’ then ‘Workplace Giving’ else ‘Fees’ |
Payee | Dedunction Amount | Pay Amount (Deductions) | Employee Management -> Pays -> Amount (on a Dedunction pay) | If payment type is a deduction |
Payee | Super Liability Amount | Pay Amount (Expense Supers) | Employee Management -> Pays -> Amount (on an Expense of type Superannuation with positive value) | No |
Payee | OTE Amount | Pay Amount (Super Applies Wages) | Employee Management -> Pays -> Sum of Amount (of pays where ‘Super Applies’ is set to ‘Y’) | No |
Payee | Reportable Employer Super Contribution | Pay Amount (Salary Sacrifice Super) | Employee Management -> Pays -> Amount (on Deductions of Allowance code SS) | No |
Payee | RFB Tax Exempt Amount | Reportable FBT | Employee Management -> Pay Setup -> Reportable FBT | No (Ensure that previous FY’s FBT is cleared prior to reporting in the NFY) |
Payee | RFB Taxable Amount | N/A | This is not currently supported by Moveware | No |