Supplier Reports – Reports
This page describes the standard Moveware reports available in the Suppliers (Creditors) tab of the Reports module, in the Reports section.
Average Payment Period
The Average Payment Period Report details the Time between Invoice Receipt and Payment Date. It calculates an average payment period for each Supplier as well as an overall Average of payment times.
Supplier Listing
Listing of all Supplier Accounts including their address details and contact lists. The report can be run in a summary version that shows the basic address and contact details or a detailed version that shows office addresses, notes about the Supplier and other more detailed information.
Supplier Product Listing
A Creditor Product Listing showing details of each Product. The Creditor Products are used as costs or lines in the Purchasing, Purchase Order and Costing modules of Moveware.
Supplier Product Rates
The Creditor Product Rates Report shows a listing of Creditor Products and any associated Rates.
Listing of Supplier Transactions for a selected Period. Report can be filtered to show only outstanding transactions or all transactions.
Trial Balance
Listing of all Suppliers showing Current, 30, 60 and 90 day balances. This Report is a picture of your accounts at the time of running the report. To view Account positions at a previous date use the Trial Balance Prior Report.
Trial Balance Prior
Listing of all customers that have transactions that are open and waiting for payment showing last paid, current, 30, 60 and 90 day balances for prior dates. Use this report to get a view of your Account Balances at a previous date.