Customer Reports – Invoicing
This page describes the standard Moveware reports available in the Customers (Debtors) tab of the Reports module, in the Invoicing section.
Single or Combined Invoice, Credit Note or Adjustment Note printing.
Invoice and Receipts by Job
A summary of the outstanding balances against each Job/Removal.
Invoice Summary
The Invoice Summary is a listing of Invoices for a selected period or range of numbers. Formally known as the Invoice Audit Trail the report can now be grouped in many different ways and can be flagged to show local and foreign currency values.
Invoice Summary – Outstanding
The Invoice Summary is a listing of Invoices for a selected period or range of numbers. Formally known as the Invoice Audit Trail the report can now be grouped in many different ways and can be flagged to show local and foreign currency values.
Invoice Summary by Currency
The Invoice Summary by Currency is a listing of Invoices by Currency.
Invoice Summary by Customer
The Invoice Summary by Customer is a listing of Invoices grouped by Customer (Debtor).
Invoice Summary by GL Code
The Invoice Summary by G/L Account is a listing of Invoices for a selected period and grouped by the General Ledger Account linked to the various charge lines of the invoice. This report replaces the Revenue by General Ledger Code Report.
Invoice Summary by Month
The Invoice Summary by Month is a month by month view of your Sales Invoicing. The report only shows totals and can be grouped in many ways to help you analyse your sales figures.
Payment Request
Payment Request used to request a deposit on an invoice prior to posting (usually). Includes a pop-up window when used on an invoice from the job screen to enter the amount that is being requested. Should be run on an individual invoice from the Jobs Invoice screen.
Proforma Invoice Summary
The Proforma Invoice Summary is a listing of Proforma Invoices for a selected period or range of numbers.
Accounts Revaluation Prior
Accounts Revaluation report will show all outstanding items at a point in time. It will show the historical valuation of the transactions.
Customer Duplicate
List of all possible duplicate customers.