Submit Payroll Data for Regular Pay Cycle using STP
To submit a payment to STP, the pay must be posted in Moveware and the Pay Date must be either today or in the future. However, at the time of posting the pay, you will be prompted to submit the pay to Single Touch Payroll.
Create Moveware pays as normal.
Go to the Employees menu and select Payroll Update. Then on the Payroll Update screen, select the pays to be Updated either by double clicking on them or clicking the Select All button, then post the pays as per normal procedures.
After pays are updated, Moveware will prompt you to send the pays to the ATO. Select ‘Yes’ to send the selected pays to the ATO or No to continue to post the pays to the clearing account. Refer to the section Submit a Pay that has already been Updated for information on how to send all the current pays to the ATO at once.
If you selected ‘No’ to the above prompt, please note that the screen will auto filter by ‘Selected’. To show all pays, clear the Selected filter at the top of the screen.
If you selected Yes and the pays pass validation, you will be prompted to submit the data to the ATO. However, if there are any errors the system will show the number of pays with errors along with the reasons in the Message column next to the pays that failed validation. You will need to fix any errors and attempt to post the pays again before you can successfully send the data.
Once validation is passed, select Yes to submit the data to the ATO.