Import Exchange Rate (Automatic)
It is possible to automatically import a currency exchange rate in Moveware. To configure this, follow the steps below.
Navigate to Administration > Codes Management.
Add the Currency Import Type Combo Box (if missing).
Add a code record:
code type = ‘Code’
Code value = ‘Currency Import’
Description = ‘Currency Impot’
Add the new currency import type code called ‘File’. This is used to specify the path of import:
code type = ‘Currency Import’
Code value = ‘File’
Set Description as import file name with file path
Ex. C:\Temp\mwdocstest\CurrencyImport\Import MW Foreign Currency Exchange rates.csv
On the Import csv file, the import columns are as follows:
Base Currency*
Currency To*
Rate Debtors
Rate Creditors
Rate Report
Mandatory fields
If no rate is specified in 4, 5, 6, it will be imported as 0. A blank line is required after the last record.
Additional setting:
Comments can be set as a Backup file path:
Ex. C:\Temp\mwdocstest\CurrencyImport\backup\
After imported, the import file will be moved to this folder with the add date and time at the end of file name.
If Extra field = Y, the backup file will be renamed with the date and time followed by the file name.
Set system parameter ‘AutoImportCurrency’ = Y
Put import file that have the same name in the same location that is set in Description in Step 2.
MoveConnect will auto import currency every 2 minutes.