Subcontractor payments Configuration
1. Create Supplier Records for subcontractors.
Navigate to Suppliers > Supplier Management > Details tab and select Add. The Details fields will initialize, allowing information about the new Supplier to be entered.
Enter all relevant information. When creating a new Supplier, some User Defaults are used to speed up the entry process, however, these can be overwritten if required. If these need to be altered, double-click on the field to view and select from a list of available options. Some of the essential information for Subcontractor Payments includes:
Supplier Name
Supplier Email Address
Type (set to Subcontractor)
Branch (if you intend to use this Subcontractor with one specific branch).
Bank Details (Bank Name, BSB, Bank Account No., Bank Account name).
Payment Method
Remittance (use Email if you intend to use bulk emailing).
Once all the required information is entered click Save. A unique code will be assigned to the Supplier. The Supplier Code is a numeric code generated by Moveware by default. Supplier codes can also be overwritten to make identification easier.
There is also the additional option of entering various employee contacts and their relevant details in your Supplier Details tab. See Adding Supplier Contacts for more information.
*For more information about Suppliers, please refer to Moveware Wiki – Add a New Supplier (
2. Create Supplier Product records for Suppliers.
Navigate to Administration > Company Setup > Supplier Products.
Click Add and enter the following:
Product Description e.g., “Subcontractor Labour”
Set Status to Active.
Double-click on the Type field to select “I” for Invoice.
In Inventory Type select Labour
Double-click on the Job Types field to select applicable Job Types.
*Note: This product must be linked to all job types that use subcontractor labour.Branches to select applicable branches.
Double-click Parent to pick parent in Job Costing, Default Supplier, and Job Product (if available).
Click Save.
3. Create Employee records for Subcontractors
Employee records are used to hold data for Subcontractors. As the name indicates, the records are not actually for employees in your company, but subcontractors belonging to a third-party contractor or sole trader. One or more subcontractors can be linked to a Supplier and paid by that Supplier for services rendered. A single subcontractor can also be the only subcontractor belonging to a specific Supplier. Employee records can be used for Subcontractors in Moveware, allowing the subcontractor to appear on the Daily Diary screen and to be allocated to jobs.
*Note: many of the fields on the Details tab of Employee Management may not be mandatory for Subcontractors.
Creating Individual Subcontractors:
Navigate to Employees > Employee Management > Details tab and select Add.
Enter the following:
First Name, Last Name, Preferred, Gender, Diary Name (used for an informal or common name in the Daily Diary screen).
Home Address, Postal Address, Home Phone Number, Mobile Phone Number, personal and/or work email addresses.
Double-click the Supplier field and select the supplier to link to the Subcontractor.
Double-click the (Supplier) Product field and select the Supplier Product to link to the Subcontractor.
Select the Branch, usually where the subcontractor is based, leave system generated initials or choose your own (must be unique).
Current Status as Active, Employee Status as Subcontractor, Labour flag as “Y”, Mobile User (license required for additional Mobile Phone App from Moveware).
Select Branches and Cost Centres that subcontractor is available to work in; Branches are usually Cities, Cost Centres are Types of Jobs i.e., Local, Interstate, Country etc.
Cost Type as Subcontractor or specific Supplier to show subcontractors grouped by Supplier in the Daily Diary (additional configuration required to create items in Cost Type list, see below). See also Employee Management – Details Fields ( for more information
Select Save.
Creating the Subcontractor Cost Type (Cost Type Rates only):
Navigate to Employees > Employee Management > Details tab and select Add
Create a simplified Employee record as described in section 3.3 with the following settings:
Last Name = Subcontractor, Branch, Initials
Current Status = Active, Employee Status = Sub Contractor, Type = Field
Labour = Y, Costing Item = Y, Branches to be used for subcontractors
Select Cost Type Subcontractor in Cost Type list and click Save.
*Note: Subcontractors with different rates can be handled in the Labour Rates Cost Rates section with different suppliers or on a Cost Rate against a specific Subcontractor.
**Note: Cost Types/Costing Items cannot be viewed from the Search tab of the Employee Management screen by default once the Costing Item Flag is set to Y. You must change the Costing Items filter to Y on the bottom of the Employee Search tab. See Moveware Wiki – Employee Management – Search ( for more information.
4. Configure Subcontractor Cost Rates
Subcontractor Cost Rates can be configured in the Cost Rates section on the Labour Rates tab of the Employee Management screen for the selected Subcontractor or Employee Cost Type. The Employee Cost Type is a special Employee record that can be used to create Cost Rates that can be used by all Subcontractors or Employees in a Group. The Cost Type is also used to display Labour in the Daily Diary in groups to make Labour selection more intuitive.
Navigate to Employees > Employee Management > Search tab and select an individual Subcontractor (unique Cost Rates) or select Costing Items flag at bottom of Search tab and select Cost Type Subcontractors (Subcontractor Group Rates), then go to the Details tab.
Select the Labour Rates tab. There are two sets of Rates on this tab: Cost Rates at the top and Charge Rates at the bottom. For Subcontractor Payments, use the Cost Rates at the top.
Click Add at the top of the screen. A Cost Rate line will appear and the Calc (Calculation Field) is selected.
Double click the Calc field to display available Calculation Types.
Select the required Calculation Type and select OK. For example, the Calculation Type LH is for a Labour Fixed Hourly rate.
Enter the various conditions for the Rate that are applicable i.e., Branch, Type (of job), Day, Time, Cost Rate per hour (excluding Tax) etc.
Click Save. If the selected Subcontractor has a Supplier assigned, you will be prompted to assign the rate to the same Supplier as the Subcontractor as well. Click Yes to link the supplier to the rate as well.
*Note: Rates are very complex. If you are not familiar with Rates in Moveware, we suggest you obtain assistance from the Moveware Support team in your region or your Account Manager.
For more information on Rates, see Moveware Wiki – Rates Management (