Create a Purchase Invoice from a Purchase Order
A Purchase Invoice can be created from a Purchase Order by one of two methods. The first is by changing the Status of the Purchase Order to Invoice from the Details tab of the Purchase Order window. The second is by selecting from outstanding Purchase Orders in the Supplier Purchases module.
To create a Purchase Invoice from a filled Purchase Order:
Navigate to Suppliers > Purchase Orders in the main menu.
Select Filled from the drop down list at the top of the Status column.
Select the required Purchase Order and navigate to the Details tab. Change the status from Filled to Invoice.
A popup window will display showing the key elements of the new Purchase Invoice. Check that the Invoice information is correct and enter the Supplier’s Invoice Number.
Click the Create button.
A Purchase Invoice is created and can be viewed in the Supplier Purchases module.
To create a Purchase Invoice from an outstanding Purchase Order:
In the main menu navigate to Suppliers > Purchases. Click on the Add button to create a new Invoice. A Supplier Lookup window is opened from which an existing Supplier can be selected. Double click the Supplier or select it and click OK.
If the Supplier has outstanding Purchase Orders, a popup window will display those that have a status of Ordered or Filled. Select the required Purchase Order.
The Invoice will be created from the Purchase Order information, and the status of the Purchase Order will be updated to Invoice.
Edit the Invoice details as required and click Save.