Record a Refund
A refund issued on a paid purchase invoice will be necessary in situations in Moveware. To record a refund, the best option is to record a negative payment. But a negative payment must be assigned to a balance to properly clear the Accounts Payable, so a credit note must be created to offset the refund against.
Create A Credit Note:
Often, the refund will be for a specific purchase invoice. In that situation, the easiest option is to go to Suppliers > Purchases, locate the purchase, and use the Create a Credit Note button [ ] to create a credit note for the selected purchase invoice:
After editing the details of the credit note to reflect the refund:
Post the credit note to post the amount to the Accounts Payable.
Alternatively, if the refund isn’t directly related to a purchase invoice, a manual invoice can be created and set to a Credit Note by altering the Type to CR:
Once the Credit Note is created and posted, a negative payment needs to be recorded to show payment entering the bank. This is done from the Suppliers > Payments screen. The payment is entered in the same way a normal payment is processed, it just will have a negative balance entered and applied to the credit note that was created:
This will create a journal with a debit to the bank account and a credit to Accounts Payable: