Use Quick Print
The Quick Print function of Moveware allows users to print documents pertaining to the screen and record that they are viewing. Any screen with the Quick Print toolbar enables documents to be printed from it.
Quick printing provides features include:
Saving the document to the file folder
Attaching the document to an email
Selecting the number of copies to print
Selecting the output of documents to be Letterhead or Plain Paper
Previewing the document before saving it as a PDF
Opening the document in Word, Excel or as a PDF
How to Select Report or Document to Print
Click the down arrow in Quick Print at the top right of the module. A list of available reports will display.
Select the desired report. A Print Options pop up window will display. Select the output of the report from the available options. The report may now be printed:
Click the PDF icon and it can be saved as a PDF
and emailed as an attachment
To How to Set Up Reports to Display in Quick Print (Administrators Only)
Navigate to Administration > System Setup > Report Configuration in the main menu.
The Show in section determines which screens the document will be visible in.R/P: Jobs ManagementWaybill: WaybillDaily Diary: Daily Diary (Operations Diary)Quick R/P: Quick Job EntryRate Req: Rate Request (Quotes to Agents)Debtor: Debtor (Customer) ManagementCreditor: Creditor (Supplier) ManagementWeb: Enter M to show the report in MoveClient, P for MovePartner, and Y for both.Note: Not all reports have the capability to print from these areas as they may not be designed to do so.
To have the document display only for specific types of Jobs, double click the Selected Types field and choose applicable Cost Centres. The report will only display on the Quick Print list for the Cost Centres specified.
To have the document display only for a specific Branch, double click the Avail. Branches field and choose applicable Branches. The report will only display on the Quick Print list for the Branch(es) specified.
To have the document display only when a client has a specific language, double click the Def Language field. If a Def Language is set to Italian, the document will only display on the Quick Print list for Jobs where the (customer) Language is set to Italian.
To have the document display only for a specific Customer or Corporate, double click the Corporate filed.
Click Save and Exit.