Set up POP3 Email
Using POP3 Email
The POP3 email service allows you to automatically download emails and attachments from one or more email accounts. Once you have set up a POP3 account, mail text and attachments are downloaded via the MWConnect service.
Note: If your company uses the NES Customs Interface, text and attachments are automatically imported into Moveware.
To set up POP3 email contact Moveware to request installation of the service on your system (refer to the MoveSupport site).
To configure a POP3 account:
Navigate to Administration > Moveware Setup > Codes Management in the main menu.
Click the Add button.
Set the Type to XML Type.
Set the Code Value to POP3-1.
Set the Description to POP3 – Account 1.
Set the XML System to MovewareWebService.
Ensure the status is Active and enter a Shortcut.
Enter your POP3 account details in the Comments field in the following format, replacing the italic fields with your incoming mail server, email address and password. Set pop3auth to Y if iSSL/TLS security is required (e.g. if connecting to a remote server on a secure port) or to N if connecting to a local mail server.
pop3user, <emailaddress>
pop3pass, <password>
Click Save.
The system will automatically check for new mail in POP3 accounts approximately every six minutes. If mail is received the MoveConnect Log Viewer will contain entries similar to those below: