The Extranet

The Extranet

The Extranet screen in MovePartner allows you to post your open Jobs to an online list, where Agents can review the details and express interest. You can then choose to accept an Agent and define their role on the Job.

Adding a Job to the Extranet

The first step is to go to the Diary tab of a Job that you wish to post to the Extranet. Complete the diary action which is configured to Display the Job on the Extranet.



Expressing Interest (as an Agent)

When an Agent logs into your MovePartner Portal, they will see an open Job on the Extranet. From here they can review Details of the job in the Details tab. If they are interested, they can select the “Register Interest” icon.


The Agent can provide any questions/comments:


In Moveware, you would receive a notification that an Agent has registered interest. A diary action is added to the Job, along with the Agent’s comments.


Moveware Extranet Screen

In Moveware, there is an Extranet screen that lists all Jobs that have been posted to the Extranet. Below we can see the Job in question, along with the Agent(s) who have expressed interest and their comments:


Once you highlight an Agent and Accept their offer, you can select the Role they would perform and provide Comments:


Viewing Jobs Online (as an Agent)

The Agent can now see the Job online, along with the role(s) they are performing:


They can filter by role. Below they have filtered to show all Jobs where they were assigned as the Destination Agent:


If they go to the Moves tab of MovePartner, the new Job now displays:

Viewing Accepted Jobs in Moveware

In Moveware, they are assigned as the Origin Agent and Destination Agent on the Job:


On the Extranet screen in Moveware, this Job displays as having been accepted and updates the totals.

Setting up Diary Actions for the Extranet

Four Diary Actions must exist to support the Extranet. They can be given any Code Value and Description that you wish. However there must be an Action set with a key action of

  • Publish to Agent – this is the Diary Action that must be Completed for a Job to display on the Extranet

  • Agent Interest – this is the Diary Action that generates when an Agent expresses interest on a Job.

  • Agent Accepted – this is the Diary Action that generates when you Accept an Agent who expressed interest.

  • Agent Declined – this is the Diary Action that generates when you Decline an Agent who expressed interest.


Agent Access to the Extranet

An Agent Contact can be set up to access the Extranet the same way as a Corporate Account, only using an Agent Contact, rather than a Customer Contact.

Agents Contacts can be set in International -> Agents. The Details tab of an Agent has an Agent Contacts section at the bottom. Here you can either Add a new Contact, or double click an existing Contact to update the details. Enter the Contact’s Email address, Set Web Access to Y, and enter a Password. The Agent Contact can now use the email address and password as their login credentials to the MovePartner Extranet.

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