Modify a Web Form on Web Portal
The sections shown in web forms are set up in the Customise MQ tab. The tab contains a column of Sections that will be displayed and a column of available sections, toggles and questions.
Details of a form that can be modified include the referral list. Additional Services, Specialised Items and Payment method can be hard coded onto the MoveClient page for it to be selectable from drop down box.
To modify the Referral List:
Navigate to Administration > Moveware Setup > Codes Management in the main menu of Moveware.
Select Promos from the Type drop down box.
Each of the Active Referrals will show in MoveQuote unless if the Excl from MoveQuote field is set to Y.
To change the name of the referral shown in MoveQuote, you can change the Description.
To create a new referral, click Add and ensure that the type is set to Promos, ensure also that Code Value and Description are filled in.
To modify a web form:
In the Web Setup window select the required quote form from the left column and navigate to the Customise MQ tab.
Double click a section, toggle or question in the ‘Available MQ Sections, Toggles and Questions’ column to add it to the form.
To set if a section is expanded or collapsed in a web form by default, select the section in the ‘Sections Shown in MoveQuote for Selected Type’ column and click the Expand icon. Note: This option is not available for sections with an Expanded field set to N/A.
Double click on a section in the ‘Sections Shown in MoveQuote for Selected Type’ column to remove it from the web form.
To edit the text displayed in a form when the mouse is over the Information
icon, navigate to the Admin tab.
Select a section from the ‘Available MQ Sections, Toggles and Questions’ column and edit the text in the Help Tip field.
Note: It is important that no other fields in this tab are edited. An editable Question field will be available in future releases.
Once a form is modified it can be uploaded.