MoveSurvey – Search
MoveSurvey contains a powerful search facility to locate new and existing Jobs. The Search window of MoveSurvey is displayed on entering the application and lists all upcoming jobs in order of Job number. The order may be sorted by another field by clicking on the field heading.
The search in MoveSurvey allows a user to search for any Job that has been synced to the device. A Job MUST BE Selected through this search screen before any other function in MoveSurvey will work.
The records displayed can be filtered by date and by using the search boxes above the record list. You can show all Jobs by clicking the All button:
View Jobs for the current week and day by clicking the Today, Week and date range buttons:
A description of each button on the top-right is as follows:
Date selectors. Use these buttons to change the dates by a day in either direction.
View Attachments. Use this button to vie and add attachments against a job.
Email. Use this button to email the contact on the selected Job.
SMS. Use this button to send an SMS message to the contact on the selected Job.
Force Sync. Use this button to force a job to sync back to Moveware. This is useful if attachments need to be synced back to the server, or if a sync did not work.
Send Message. Use this button to send a direct message to a staff member through Moveware.
Click to view Jobs awaiting Sync.
Plot on Google Maps. Use this button to plot the listed jobs on Google Maps.
Refresh display. Use this button to clear the search fields and refresh the display.