Operations Reports – Reports
This page describes the standard Moveware reports available in the Operations tab of the Reports module, in the Reports section.
Crating Order
Report listing any Crates for manufacture detailing dimensions and weight.
Destination Summary
Listed of all jobs showing the volume and destination, pick up and delivery dates to assist with scheduling of Vehicles, Containers etc.
Jobs Diary
A listing of Diary Actions on a Job and their details..
Timesheet Analysis
Breakdown of payroll for a particular timesheet that may have multiple employees on it such as Packers, Drivers, Storeman etc
Timesheet OT
Breakdown of payroll for a particular timesheet that may have multiple employees on it such as Packers, Drivers, Storeman etc
Timesheet Report Actuals
Breakdown of payroll for a particular timesheet that may have multiple employees on it such as Packers, Drivers, Storeman etc
Timesheet Report Estimated
A forecast of hours projected for each crew member over the next two weeks – both regular and overtime hours.
Undelivered Jobs Summary
Lists all Jobs for selected parameters that have been waybilled/manifested but not delivered.
UnWaybilled Jobs Summary
Lists all Jobs for selected parameters that have not been Waybilled/Manifested.