Add Pay Bank Account
One or more bank accounts may be entered for an employee from the Bank Accounts tab of the Employee Management module. Information for the employee’s superannuation fund may also be entered from the Bank Accounts tab.
Add Bank Account Name, BSB Number, and Account Number
Navigate to Employees > Employees in the main menu.
To add employee bank accounts, select the Bank Accounts tab and click Add.
Enter in Bank Account Details including Bank, Branch (BSB Number), Account Name and Number and Calculation Type.
Click on the Save button once you are complete.
Split Pay Between Accounts
You can add multiple bank accounts with the calculation types of ‘Percentage’, ‘Fixed’ and ‘Remainder’.
The accounts will be sorted by number, Percentage must be first and Remainder last.
Note: The order of the bank account records is very important and any Calculation Types of Fixed or Percentage less than 100% should come before any Remainder calculation types as the accounts are processed in order by the Number value. Superannuation should always be the last account.