Set Up Automatic Review Diary Actions
Review questions can be organized to only appear for specific job types by assigning these to the job types. To Assign each review question to appear for certain job types. Double click the inclusions and/ or exclusions fields and select each job type you want the answer to automatically populate for. (per below)
Tip, you can also assign multiple review questions within job types. ADMINISTRATION>SETUP>JOB TYPES>REVIEW TAB
For reviews to auto create, the review toggle on the job type calculator must be ticked. This toggle will by default be ticked provided there are review questions setup to that job type.
If there is no review toggle, you need to change system parameter ‘sysparam-spare2[12]’ (hide the review toggle from job creator) to no.
Alternatively, if no review pulls through to the job, you can manually enter these via the review tab in the job by selecting the type of review and clicking the Lightning icon next to this.