Update or Import Rates in Bulk

Update or Import Rates in Bulk

To manage rates in bulk, navigate to Administration > Moveware Setup > Rates Management. Rates can be updated, exported, and imported in bulk to expedite the process of configuring automatic rates in your Moveware system.

How to Update Rates in Bulk

  1. Navigate to Administration > Moveware Setup > Rates Management.

  2. Double-click the rate to be updated. The background of the line will turn yellow once it has been double clicked. Alternatively, filter the screen so it only includes the rates you wish to update. For instance, if all rates for the Removal Product “Crating” should be updated, type Crating above the Product column to display only the Crating Product. Once the screen displays only the rates you want to update, click the Select All [image-20240821-211806.png ] icon.

  3. Click the Update Selected Rates [image-20240821-211813.png ] icon.




  1. Modify the rate factors as needed. For instance, if you want to update the “Valid To” date for all of these rates, enter the new date in the Valid To field.

  2. Click the Update button.

  3. Ensure that the new rate details are correct before clicking Yes to confirm the rate change.

  4. The selected rates will be updated. Click OK in the confirmation popup window.

  5. Deselect the updated rates by clicking the Deselect All [image-20240821-211841.png ] icon.

How to Export Rates to an Excel File

  1. Click the Export button.

  2. Select either “Removal Product” (sell rates), “Creditor Product” (cost rates), “Inventory” (inventory rates, including vehicles and labour), “Creditor” (rates for a Creditor/Supplier), “Debtor” (rates for a Debtor/Customer) from the drop-down list.

  3. Adjust the folder where the Excel file will save to, using the browse icon.

  4. Choose a particular Creditor Product/Removal Product/Inventory item if needed.

  5. Click OK.

This will export to your machine (be aware where it has saved your .csv file) – click OK once you know where the file has exported to.

Now that this has saved the file to your machine, you can manipulate the data in Excel. This allows you to make changes to your rates, and then import them to replace the current rates in Moveware in bulk.

  • Open the file in Excel.

  • Manipulate the data (i.e update the rates).

  • Delete the numbers in column “rateid” (as you are copying rates and creating new rates).

  • Once you have added the new rates to the spreadsheet, delete the first row

  • Add a blank column (to push all columns to the right)

  • Once you have done the above, save the file as a csv file.

How to Import Removal Product (Job Product) Rates

New rates can be imported in bulk, or the existing rates that were exported onto a csv (see above) and changed can be imported into the system to update the rates in Moveware.

  1. Click Import.

  2. Select either “Removal Product”, “Creditor Product”, or “Inventory” from the drop-down list.

  3. Click Browse and search for the file you have manipulated. Select it.

  4. If you don’t have a file, follow the steps above to Export rates onto a .csv file. Do not delete and change any columns as they need to be in that exact format to import correctly. Add any new rates onto the spreadsheet, following the format of an existing rate that you’ve exported.

  5. Click OK.

  6. The dialog box will appear once the import has completed successfully:

How to Include the Minimum and Maximum columns from the variable rate matrix in the Rates Export/Import

  1. Set the system parameter “Include the Minimum and Maximum columns from the variable rate matrix in the Rates Export/Import” = Y

  2. The Variable Rate Matrix is now available for the user to Export/Import

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