Payment Listing
The Payment Listing module is a listing of all Supplier payments created in Moveware.
The page is broken into two main sections: the Payment Listing (1) and the Payment Entries (2).
(1) The Payment Listing
The Payment Listing section lists all payments in Moveware with assorted ways of filtering and searching for payments using the filters located at the top of the window (Our Invoice, or Their Invoice) or by using the fields located directly above the columns. Toggling the ‘Show Foreign Currency’ toggle located at the top of the screen will convert all the balances on the screen to their foreign balances.
There are some buttons available in the upper right-hand corner which allow for several features including locating a payment, modifying a cheque number, or viewing the G/L journal connected to the payment.
: Click to Cancel a Payment
: Click to Modify the cheque number on selected payment
: Click to open the journal details, showing the journal number and journal details.
: Click to refresh the screen, removing all filters and search balances.
(2) The Payment Entries
The Payment Entries section will show the payment details of the selected payment. If the Show Foreign Currency is toggled, the details will show the foreign currency values of the payment. The details will show how the payment has been applied, showing linked invoices or payments on account if the payment has unapplied portions.
At the top of the menu there are toggles and an un-link button that can be used to show additional information or to un-attach a payment to allow it to be moved to another invoice.
: Click to Unapply a Payment
Show Inter-Branch Transactions toggle: This toggle will reveal the inter-branch/company portions of a transaction when the payment was created by paying cross branch/company:
: Using this button will open the invoice details of the highlighted line.