Storage Locations Grid
Using the Grid tab in the Location Management module is another way of viewing and managing storage locations in Moveware. It also provides a visual alternative to the standard list of locations located in the Locations tab.
How to Manage the Storage Locations Grid
In the Storage Location management window, select the Grid tab:
You will be shown the grid view:
A. The Agent(s)
B. The Area(s)
C. The Row(s)
You will also notice the numbering of the columns and rows on the grid on the right
D. The H (Height) of the row
E. The D (Depth) of the row
F. This is the specific location that you can interact with (i.e. add a container or move a container)
How to Add Containers to the Grid
Step 1
Double click on the available slot.
Step 2
You will be presented with a pop up that shows the available storage containers.
Select the container.
Press OK to confirm your selection.
Your selection will be reflected on the grid.
Note: If a container is already allocated to another grid location you will see an error if the system parameter “Stop Validation of Container Relocation in Storage Grid” is set to “N”
Otherwise if your system parameter “Stop Validation of Container Relocation in Storage Grid” is set to “Y”, you will get the following warning:
Now that the container has been added to the location, note how the colour changed from green to grey. The legend at the bottom of the screen describes the meaning of each colour:
How to Move the Storage Container
Double click on the container.
Press the Move Button (Blue arrow).
Select the storage location you want to move it to.
Press OK to confirm your selection.
Alternatively, if the System Parameter “Enables the ability to move/relocation storage items in Location Management” is given a Value of Y, this allows you to double-click on a container in a grid and then double-click it in another location to move it there. If the destination location is populated with another container, the 2 containers would swap locations.
Step 1
Step 2
Double Click on the container.
Double click on the container you want to swap.
Press Yes to confirm the swap.
You can now see that 015 and 016 have swapped locations.
How to Move a Container to a Position for a Job
Moveware has a “Grid Shuffle” feature which can be activated by setting the System Parameter “Allows Location Grid Shuffle” to have a value of “Y” (to shuffle to the back/left) or “F” (to shuffle to the front/right.
Let’s say you want to Move S118 out of store and it is stuck at the very bottom of a 5×5 row, simply click on it and then click the ‘Shuffle’ button:
The system will automatically shuffle the grid so that this container is placed at the outer-most location and all other blocking containers are shuffled back one space:
In this scenario, the user wants to move the bottom container in (1-1) as it is coming out of storage early.
Select the container location.
Press the Shuffle button.
The container moves to a position where it can be removed from the stack.
Locations Holding Area
Moveware also provides an option of having a Holding Area on the right side of the screen.
Assign the System Parameter “Activate Holding Area in Location Grid View” to a value of Y to activate it. Once Activated, follow the instructions belowto move a container to the Holding Area:
Double click on the Storage Location.
Double click on the arrow.
Press Yes to confirm the Move to the location.
How to Move Storage from Holding to Location
Select the empty Location.
Double click the item from the holding location.
Press Yes to confirm the movement.