Storage Management – Locations
The Storage Locations used for storing a customer’s items are managed in the Locations tab of the Storage Management module.
Storage Inventory is used to record the type of storage the customer’s items are being stored in, such as a container, module, lift van, or pallet. Each of these storage types can then be assigned to a Storage Location.
Alternatively, the customer’s items can be stored directly in a Storage Location for loose stack or over-sized items (in other words, these goods do not fit or suit the other storage types listed in Storage Inventory).
Storage Inventory types such as containers, modules, lift vans, or pallets are set up in the Inventory Management window.
How to Assign Storage Inventory (a Container, Module, Etc.) to a Storage Account
Click on the Locations Tab of the Storage Account. Click Add.
The Inventory Lookup window will appear:
Select the relevant storage inventory from this list. It is also possible to select more than one storage type for a storage account.
Empty storage options are listed in green, while occupied storage options are listed in black. If a container is occupied, but is not full, it will still appear in green. The available volume is displayed in the bottom-right of the window.
Once you have selected the desired storage option(s), click OK.
How to Quick Add Storage Inventory
Alternatively, if you know the Storage Container number and you know it’s available, you can use the “Quick Add” feature by simply typing the name/number of the storage vault and pressing Enter.
How to Add Items to Storage Inventory
Once you’ve added the relevant storage option(s), you can then add specific items that occupy each storage option – whether that be a container, module, and so on. The Items Stored section at the right of the window displays the items in a selected Storage Inventory or Storage Location.
To add items, highlight the storage module you wish to add items to, and hit the Add button on the right.
This will open the list of furniture items that have been added to the Storage account in the Inventory tab of the module.
To update the Location (in your warehouse) of the Storage Inventory item, click the Locate button.
Select the appropriate Location from the list of available locations and click OK. This will update the selected Storage Inventory item with the selected Location.
New locations are added to the system from the Location Management window. See Managing Storage Locations.
How to Add Items to a Storage Location Only
For any items that do not suit or fit within a storage option, such as a container or a module, it is possible to add the item to a Storage Location directly on its own.
Click the Add button in Storage Locations at the bottom of the Locations tab.
A list of storage locations will display. Select the desired locations (multiple selections are possible) and click OK. Click the Save button at the bottom of the tab.