The Task Diary

The Task Diary

Task Diary

The Task Diary provides access to a personal task list outlining any incomplete tasks.  The Task Diary can be accessed through the Organizer menu or the Sales menu, depending on your database.  Pressing F2 will also open the Task Diary as a pop-up for easy access.

Viewing the Task Diary

When opened, the Task Diary will display all incomplete tasks assigned to you, with a due date of two weeks prior through today’s date.  The date range can be adjusted using the arrows or calendar icons.

The Today shortcut beside the calendar icons will set the date range to view today’s tasks only.

There are several other filters available to view the task list in different ways:

The box below the Today icon allows for filtering the screen by a specific diary action name.  The box above the Assigned To column allows you to view somebody else’s task list by double clicking and selecting a user from the list.  To the right of that box you can filter the view by Branch, Type, and Job # (Refer).  Above those boxes are Position and Department filters.  Clear the Assigned To filter so it’s blank, and you can then view all open tasks for the Finance Department, for instance:

Actioning a Task

The Task Diary also allows you to action tasks directly from this screen.  Click on the Task that you wish to action.  It will turn blue when highlighted.

The icons above the list of tasks allow you to action a task. image-20240816-203545.png

  • Add a task image-20240816-203602.png

  • Edit a task image-20240816-203611.png  (double clicking on a task opens the edit task screen as well)

  • View Job details image-20240816-203633.png

  • Mark a task as being Not Applicable image-20240816-203640.png

  • Complete a task image-20240816-203650.png

  • Delete a task image-20240816-203701.png

Viewing Jobs for each Task

If you need more information while working on a Task, the Task Diary conveniently has the same tabs as the Jobs screen:

Highlight a task and click a tab to view it for the Job that the task belongs to. 

Setting up a Task

The way that Moveware includes diary actions on the Task Diary is based on the setup of the Diary Action.  In Administration -> Moveware Setup -> Diary Actions, any action with the Task toggle set to Y will display in the Task Diary.

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