Corporate (CRM) – Details Fields
Field | Description |
Customer Name | Specifies the name of Corporate Account. |
Postal Address | The postal address of the Corporate Account. This may be different to their actual address |
Office Address | Specifies the address of the office where the Corporate Account is located, which may be different to their preferred postal address. |
Contact | Allows phone & fax numbers to be recorded, as well as email address, website address, Logo, and NIRU. |
Status | The status of a Corporate Account can be: |
Type | Set to Corporate for corporate accounts. |
Code | A unique code assigned to the Corporate Account to assist with identification and finding with search filters. This can be a alphanumeric or a numeral. |
Group | Used to group Corporate Accounts together if required. You can use words or numbers in this field to group your Customers. |
Currency | Specifies the currency of the Account’s transactions. |
Referral (Source) | Used to record the origin of how this account heard about your company. |
Details | A second level of detail about the Referral Source (how the account heard about you). |
Language | The Corporate Account’s language. |
Company | The company number at your organization who this Corporate Account is doing business with. Double-click to choose from options. |
Branch | Specifies the branch at your organization that the Account is linked to. |
Corporate Account | Defines the Customer as a Corporate account. This is what makes a Customer display on the CRM/Corporate module and allows them to be added as a Corporate on a Job. |
Pricing Account | If this Corporate Account gets billed directly, set Pricing Account to Y. |
Priority | Choose from a list of priorities to designate high-priority accounts, particularly Suspects. Accounts can be searched for or filtered by Priority. |
P/O Req | Specifies whether Purchase Orders are required for the Customer. |
Country | The Country of the Corporate Account. |
Acct Mgr | The person at your organization who owns the relationship with the account. |
Acct Rep | A second representative at your organization who is a point of contact for this Account. |
TM | A person at your organization responsible for mail-outs and marketing to this Account. |
CRM | If this Corporate Account is a child of another company, the parent company will be displayed here. See Link Corporate Accounts. |
Pricing | If this Corporate Account should use the same pricing structure (tariffs) as another account, you can link them here. See Link Corporate Accounts. |
Creditor | If this Corporate Account is a Customer of yours and also a Supplier, you can link them to their Supplier record here. |
Agent | If this Corporate Account is also an Agent of yours, you can link them to the Agent record here. |
Comments | General Comments for internal use. |