Copy a Baggage Consignment
When creating a new baggage consignment, the user has the option to copy and modify an existing consignment.
To copy an existing consignment:
Navigate to the Baggage Management module in the main menu. Select the required record and navigate to the Details tab.
Click the Copy button on the top-left and a pop-up window will display.
Select the items from Inventory and Costing to be copied to the new consignment, if applicable.
When copying a baggage consignment, the user has the option to add a Sequence number to the end of the Consignment number, in the event of closely linked jobs (e.g. multi leg move).
Note: If a Sequence Number is not selected a new Number will be generated. If a sequence letter is entered, then the new Consignment will be saved as the original number with the sequence as specified. Sequences can be any letter of the alphabet from A to Z.
Change other information as required and click Save.