Confirm a Baggage Job as Won

Confirm a Baggage Job as Won

Once a job is confirmed, the status should be updated to W (Won) and the required cost option selected. The cost option status is also updated to W and all other cost options are canceled.


How to Confirm a Baggage Job as Won:

  1. Navigate to the Baggage Management module in the main menu. In the Search, tab locate the required consignment.

  2. Navigate to the Details tab.

  3. Update the consignment status to W (Won).

  4. Select the cost options accepted by the client. The status of the cost options is updated to W and all other cost options are canceled.

  5. Enter the job dates and other relevant information

  6. Click Save.

Delivery and collection of cartons must now be scheduled using the Diary tab of the Baggage Management module.

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